Some tips for pronunciation:
Ch sounds come out with a guttural flourish, similar (but much lighter than) similar throat sounds present in Arabic and German. You may also try thinking of it as a very hard H sound (which is how I've noted it below--lots of capital Hs).
Zh is a normal sh sound with a bit of Z in it. A similar sound would be the Gs in a name like name "Gigi", or the "Zs" sound in the name "Zsa Zsa Gabor". Phoenetically notated below as "zs".
The word "Ozh" (meaning one's self, such as I, me, myself, and possessives such as mine) is always emphasized. Demons are of course very egotistical, selfish, and self-centered.
| English
| Phoentic
| Ozh
| Self (I, me, my, mine, etc)
| Izh
| Other person (you, him, her, etc)
| eezs
| izhai
| Group (not gender specific)
| Eesh-HIGH
| Ozkavosh
| Demons and spirits as a group/species
| oh-ZKAH-vohsh
| sa
| Near object (this, etc)
| sah
| vu
| Far object (that, etc)
| voo
| doq
| On (upon, on top of, above, etc)
| dock
| roq
| Off (not near, etc)
| rock
| doz
| Below
| dahz (like the ice cream)
| ahm'[word]
| Very (modifier for emphasis or severity)
| ahm-
| ashm
| More
| ash-m
| vo’[word]
| Negative (modifier for negatives, i.e. not, etc)
| voh-
| Vom
| Less
| vohm
| acha
| Current state of being (am, be, now, etc)
| aH-HHa
| icha
| Future state of being (could, will be, etc)
| eeH-HHa (kind of rhymes with yeehaw)
| ucha
| Past stated of being (was, had been, etc)
| ooH-HHA
| hollom
| Without (nothing, hollow, etc)
| HALL-ohm
| tak
| Take (have, own, for a person, etc)
| tahk
| wroth
| Again (once more, etc)
| roth (like “moth”)
| lash
| Part (segment, share, etc)
| lahsh (chew the "a" a bit)
| alatho
| Forward (ahead, etc)
| AL-ah-tho (soft "th", all air, no voice like “throw”)
| ulatho
| Back (backwards, etc)
| OOL-ah-tho (soft "th", all air, no voice, like “throw”)
| tho
| At (where you currently are, etc)
| tho (Soft "th", all air, no voice like “throw”)
| sek
| Come (to self, etc)
| sec (like "security")
| thok
| Move (go, etc)
| thock (rhymes with "rock")
| fek
| Stop (cease, etc)
| feck (rhymes with "wreck")
| ses
| Hide (unseen, etc)
| sehs ("sis"/"sister" with an e)
| hahsh
| Feel (touch, etc)
| ("harsh" without the r)
| eyik
| Look at (witness, behold, etc)
| "EYE-ick"
| zomfa
| Pleasure (happiness, positive emotions)
| ZOHM-fah" (long-O sound)
| domosh
| Reign (domination, dominion, kingship, etc)
| DOH-mosh (dough like bread, mosh like mosh pit)
| Arkosh
| Master (king, etc.)
| voth
| War (battle, etc)
| (rhymes with "goth")
| hedoq
| Desirable (delicious, wanted, etc.)
| he-DOCK
| nith
| Land (earth, ground, kingdom, etc)
| nihth (rhymes with “sith”)
| gluth
| Eat (devour, consume, etc)
| glue-th (rhymes with “Bluth”)
| omoz
| Darkness (abyss, blackness, hell, etc)
| OH-mohz (almost rhymes with “almost”)
| nesh
| Home (sanctuary, safety, etc)
| nehsh (like “nest”)
| safras
| Pain (suffer, wound, etc)
| (like "sassafras")
| poz
| Power (ability, skill, action currently occuring, etc)
| pohz (like “posh” with a z)
| irush
| Illness (common cold, [with modifier] plague, etc)
| EE-roosh
| sol
| Hope (light, brightness, the sun, etc)
| (like “Saul”)
| groth
| Spread (widen, open, welcome, etc)
| (like “moth”)
| greesh
| Debt (lack thereof, etc)
| ("grease" but with an "sh")
| lieyev
| Payment (gift, tithe, etc)
| LIE-ee-yehv
| chron
| [Length of] time
| “Kron”, rhymes with “on”
| rast
| Toys, puppets, amusements, entertainments, etc.
| Rhymes with “Last”
| miskath
| Failure (uncompleted, unfinished, etc)
| miss-KATH (as in “Kathy”)
| fol
| Weakling (whelp, peasant, etc)
| “fold” without the d.
| ensh
| Know/Learn
| Like “ensure”.
| ov
| One (one, once, etc)
| ahv
| sav
| Seven (seventh, anything seven)
| sahv
| kish
| Excrement, waste, etc.
| sof
| [curses beyond mortal knowledge]
| (rhymes with "scoff")
Shadow Demon lines
| English
| Phoenetic
| Hero Chosen:
| Sa nith icha gluth.
| This land will be consumed.
| Sah nith ih-HHa glueth.
| The battle begins:
| Ozh domosh acha.
| My reign begins now.
| OZS doh-MOSH aHH-a.
| Movement:
| Alatho.
| Forward
| AL-ah-tho.
| Ozh thok alatho.
| I go forward
| OZS thok AL-ah-tho.
| Hollom fek.
| Without delay.
| HALL-ohm feck.
| Acha zomfa.
| With pleasure
| Ah-HHA zohm-FA.
| Hollom icha fek ozh.
| Nothing could stop me.
| HALL-ohm ih-HHA feck OZS
| Hero attacks:
| Voth doq izh.
| War on you.
| Voth dock eezs.
| Omoz sek.
| Darkness comes
| OH-mohz sec.
| Izh vo'acha ses.
| You cannot hide.
| Eezs voh-ah-HHA sehs.
| Ozh icha tak izh.
| I will have you.
| OZS ih-HHA tahk eezs.
| Izh vo'acha nesh.
| You are not safe.
| Eezs voh-ah-HHA nesh.
| Get Ready Here I Come:
| Ozh acha doq izh.
| I am upon you.
| OZS ah-HHA dock eezs.
| Disruption:
| Eyik ozh omoz.
| Behold my hell.
| EYE-ick OZS oh-mohz.
| Soul Catcher:
| Izh icha safras
| You will suffer.
| Eezs ih-HHA sah-FRAHS.
| Shadow Poison:
| Ahm'irush tak izh.
| The plague has you.
| Ahm-ee-ROOSH tahk eezs.
| Vo'sol.
| No hope.
| Voh-SAUL.
| Demonic Purge:
| Hahsh ozh poz.
| Feel my power.
| Hahsh OZS pohz.
| Ozkavosh tak izh
| Demon-kind takes you.
| Oz-KAH-vosh tahk eezs.
| Ability failure:
| Kish
| [2]
| Level up:
| Ozh omoz groth.
| My shadow spreads.
| OZS oh-MOHZ groth. (like “moth”)
| Kill another hero:
| Eyik vo'hollom.
| Behold oblivion.
| EYE-ick vo-HALL-ohm
| Izh sol fek.
| Your day is over.
| Eezs soul feck
| Vo'sol izh.
| There is no hope for you.
| Voh-SAUL eezs.
| Shadow Fiend Rivalry:
| Ozh icha tak lash, Nevermore
| I will take my share, Nevermore.
| OZS ih-HHA tak lahsh...
| Izh greesh vo'lieyev, Nevermore.
| Your debt is not yet paid, Nevermore.
| Eezs greesh voh-LIE-e-yev.
| Doom Bringer Rivalry:
| Ahm'vo'izh fek sa chron, Lucifash.
| Not even you can stop me this time, Lucifer.
| Ahm-voh-IZS feck sah kron, Lucifer.
| Izh vo'poz doq nith, Lucifash.
| You are powerless here, Lucifer.
| Izs voh-POHZ dock nith, Lucifer.
| Ozh vo'chron izh rast, Lucifash.
| I am no longer your toy, Lucifer.
| OZS voh-KRON izs rast, Lucifer.
| Shadow Demon dies:
| Sof izh.
| [Curse] you.
| SOHF eezs.
| Ozh vo'fek.
| I cannot be stopped.
| OZS vo-FECK.
| Omoz groth ozh.
| The abyss welcomes me.
| Oh-MOHZ grawth OZS.
| Shadow Demon dies w/ Aegis:
| Ozh poz icha gluth wroth.
| My power will rise again.
| OZS pohz ih-HHA glueth wroth. (like “moth”)
Shadow Fiend lines
| English
| Phoenetic
| Hero attacks:
| Izh eyik hedoq.
| You look delicious.
| Izs EYE-ick he-DOCK.
| Ozh icha gluth izh sol.
| I will eat your soul.
| OZS ih-HHA glueth izs saul.
| Izh hedoq.
| My hunger!
| Izs he-DOCK.
| Shadow Raze:
| Ozh nith!
| My domain!
| OZS nihth!
| Ozh. Ozh! OZH!!
| Mine. Mine! MINE!!
| Ozs! OZS! OZS!!
| Requiem of Souls:
| Izh acha Ozh!
| You are mine!
| Izs ah-HHA OZS!
| Ozh gluth izh.
| I consume you.
| OZS glueth izs.
| Level up:
| Vo’hedoq-gluth!
| So hungry!
| Voh-he-DOCK glueth!
| Ashm! Ashm!
| More! More!
| ASH-m! ASH-m!
| Shadow Demon Rivalry:
| Ozh ahm’poz arkosh.
| I [am more powerful than] the master!
| OZS ahm-POHZ ar-KOSH
| Vo’hadoq greesh. Sol icha Ozh!
| Keep your debt. The souls are mine.
| Voh-ha-DOCK greesh. Saul ih-HHA OZS!
| Ozh acha vo’izh.
| I am yours no longer.
| OZS ah-HHA voh-IZS!
| Doom Bringer Rivalry:
| Ozh icha vo’wroth thok izh omoz, Lucifosh.
| I will never return to your pit, Lucifer.
| OZS iH-HHA voh-roth thok izs oh-MOHZ, Lucifosh. (Lucifer with an “osh” at the end).
| Sav omoz acha Ozh!
| Seventh hell is mine!
| Sahv oh-MOHZ aH-HHA OZS!
| Shadow Fiend dies:
| Vo’nith…
| Not to there... (miserable)
| VOH-nihth…
| Ozh miskath.
| I failed.
| OZS miss-KATH.
Doom Bringer lines
| English
| Phoenetic
| Shadow Demon Rivalry:
| Izh acha vo’domosh.
| You are no lord.
| Izs aH-HHA voh-DOH-mosh
| Ahm’ov icha domosh omoz.
| Only one [can ever] rule the abyss.
| Ahm-AHV iH-HHA DOH-mosh oh-MOHZ.
| Shadow Fiend Rivalry:
| Izh vo’acha Ozh.
| You are nothing to me.
| Izs voh-aH-HHA OZS.
| Ensh izh Arkosh, fol.
| Know your place, whelp.
| Ensh izs are-KOSH, fol.
| Shadow Demon Ally:
| Eyik izh poz.
| Show your loyalty.
| Eye-ICK izs pohz.
| Shadow Fiend Ally:
| Arkosh izh-domosh.
| The master demands you.
| Are-KOSH izs DOH-mosh.
Кому неведомо всегдашнее несоответствие между тем, что человек ищет, и что находит?
Николло Макиавелли. Итальянский политик, историк. 1469-1527 г.
Когда имеешь дело с ориентировкой на середину – будь вдвойне осторожен. Социализм тоже претендовал на средний рай для всех, а на выходе получил убогую казарму.
Эрнст Трубов. Уральский геофизик. ХХ в.
1. Медианная фильтрация одномерных сигналов. Принцип фильтрации. Одномерные фильтры. Подавление статистических шумов. Импульсные и точечные шумы. Перепад плюс шум. Ковариационные функции. Преобразование статистики шумов. Частотные свойства фильтра. Разновидности медианных фильтров. Достоинства медианных фильтров. Недостатки медианных фильтров.
2. Медианная фильтрация изображений. Шумы в изображениях. Двумерные фильтры. Адаптивные двумерные фильтры. Фильтры на основе ранговой статистики.
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