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Fill in the table

- make up 7 sentences with these words about your life

+ learn these words


PN Directions

Skills words

Fill in the table

The skills and qualities I have (why?) At least 5 The skills and qualities I don’t have (why?) At least 4
Example: I’m quite persuasive because I think I can persuade almost anybody to do anything Example: I guess I’m not decisive at all because it’s really hard for me to make any decisions


TEACHERS obviously need to be good at teaching, instructing and making presentations, but they also need to have good listening skills to understand the problems a pupil may have. They need to be able to analyze (for example) the reasons why a potentiallybright student is not making progress; to have good writing skills. A sense of humor is important as well.

BANK MANAGERS also need good writing skills. They need to be good listeners to be able to sort the wheat from the chaff when a customer is asking for a large loan. They have to be persuasive when they try to persuade a local company to deal with them rather than with a competitor, and to be able to both direct and cooperate with their staff. They need to be good at analyzing information and making decisions.

ACCOUNTANTS must be logical and able to research as well as being good at questioning and advising clients when they provide a consultancy service. They should also have strong decision making, planning and oral communication skills. While being confident and able to persuade they must also be good at listening to what others say.

LAWYERS need good communication and listening skills to deal with clients; investigation, analytical and problem-solving abilities to handle some cases and decision making skills

MUSEUM CURATORS need to be able to plan and organize collections and museum activities; to be persuasive when they negotiate budgets, sponsorship and loans and, to have good writing and communication skills to interpret the museum's collections for visitors

POLICE OFFICERS need good communication skills to work with the public and to write reports. They need to be able to make decisions, to investigate and to cooperate with colleagues and other agencies. Leadership is an essential quality for even the most junior police officer. They must also have good attention to detail.

TV JOURNALISTS need to be persuasive to argue about some particular aspects of a program, well organized to work effectively under intense pressure, good listeners and good investigators to find the right people and locations for filming.

PERSONNEL MANAGERS must be good at listening when they interview people for jobs. They need to be able to analyze the requirements for a particular job and to make decisions on who to invite for an interview. They must cooperate with other managers when dealing with staff problems in their particular departments and must be able to plan ahead to predict future needs for training.

According to employers, the top 8 personal characteristics

they seek in job candidates are:

· Communication skills · Work experience · Motivation · Teamwork skills · Leadership abilities · Technical skills · Analytical skills · Ethics

obviously очевидно, понятно

to be able to быть способным

potentially потенциально

bright яркий, обнадеживающий, умный

make progress ['prəugres] делать успехи

sort сорт, сортировать

wheat пшеница

chaff солома

persuasive убедительный

persuadesmb to do smth уговаривать

rather than нежели чем

competitor конкурент

direct руководить, указывать, прямой

cooperate [kəu'ɔp(ə)reɪt] сотрудничать с кем-л

staff штат служащих

make decisions принимать решения

research исследовать, исследование

(self)confident уверенный (в себе)

solve problems решать проблемы

negotiate вести переговоры, договариваться, обсуждать условия

interpret объяснять, толковать

essential необходимый, важный

particular особенный, особый

effectively эффективно

intense [ɪn'ten(t)s] интенсивный

requirement требование

investigate [ɪn'vestɪgeɪt расследовать, исследовать

investigation расследование, следствие

employer [ɪm'plɔɪə] работодатель

employee [ˌɪmplɔɪ'iː] служащий; работник

ability способность

ethics мораль, нравственность, этика

decisive решительный

flexible гибкий

responsible ответственный

patient терпеливый


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