Студопедия — What you should include in your CV or resume
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What you should include in your CV or resume

The categories listed below are often included in CV's or resumes. However, no CV contains all of them, and some CVs will contain other categories that are not listed here. The basic rule is that your own unique educational and work experiences should be presented to best effect.

The first step in actually developing your CV is to write down all relevant information - later you can organize in into categories. After you have written down all relevant information develop a hierarchy placing the most important and relevant categories and information first. Al other information can be listed in descending order of importance and relevance.

The relevancy of information varies strongly. It is a good idea to try to see yourself with the eyes of your potential employer: When you are applying for a job as an illustrator your high school art classes might be relevant. If you are applying for an internship at a banking house they probably are not.

Possible section to include in your CV or resume:

• Application information

• Educational career

• Relevant Experience (work experience, internships,...)

• Other experience (volunteer work, commitments,...)

• Languages and international travel

• Computer and Office Skills

• Other-Memberships, Associations, Conferences

• References (on demand)

• Photo (on demand)

Following additional information might be of interest as well, esp. when applying for an academic position or grant.

• Dissertation Title and Advisor

• Certification (s) Awards/ Honors/ Patents

• Grants received

• Publications and Presentations
Application Information

Your name should appear on the top of each page.

Include your personal data: name, date of birth (year, month, day), place of birth (city, country), nationality, address, phone & fax number (including area codes) and e-mail address (only if you check your mail regularly).

Educational career

In reserve chronological order list all of your degrees from college on, with the name of institution and date they were awarded. List the date you expect to receive the degree the program you are currently in.

If you are applying for an academic position or grant it is standard to list the name of your advisor and your thesis title.

If you are applying for a professional position only mention it, if it is of relevance.

Relevant experience

Listing of position (Part-time, full-time, temporary and permanent), which relate to the type of work sought.

Include: department/ firm/ agency/ organization; complete name, city and state; job/ position title; dates; also include a brief description of your activities/ duties.

Other experience

Groupings of kinds of other experiences (including volunteer work and/ or internships) can enhance your CV.

Languages and international travel

For each language including your mother tongue indicate fluency level of spoken and written 1anguage ability a s w ell a s reading s kills u sing t he following criteria: fair/ basic knowledge, working knowledge, fluent or excellent knowledge.

Mention any certificates or attended language studies. International travel, language exchanges and extended stays abroad are of great importance, as they prove your ability to adapt and your interest in the world.

References (on demand)

It is quite usual to include reference letters from former employers in your application. Do not send originals, send high quality copies.

Sometimes an employer will ask for personal references. Compile a list of three persons, who are not related to you (along with their telephone/ fax number, address and occupation) and can be contacted in case of enquiries. They must be familiar with your professional qualifications and your character.

It is sufficient to communicate the list, when your potential employee asks for it.


Opinion is divided, check the job posting: some companies insist on a photo, some particularly discourage applicants from including one.

It is totally acceptable to integrate a color scan into the CV.

If you choose to send a photo it might be an idea to not attach it: If the company wants to, they can remove it from your CV. Write your name and contact information at the back. Just in case they change their mind.

Certification(s) Awards/Honors/Patents

List all areas of certification relevant to the position; include: type, year received.


Include name of grant; name of granting agency; date received; title or purpose of research project.

NB! CV (curriculum vitae) = Resume = Brief personal history

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