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Speech Patterns

1. I should like a packet of tea (coffee, biscuits, sugar). 2. I want a kilogram of coffee-beans (chocolate candies, sponge-cakes).     3. A jar of jam (honey, compote, mushrooms, stuffed peppers), please.     4. A packet of milk (cream), please.   5. Three hundred grams of boiled sausage (smoked sausage, ham), please.   6. Please, weigh for me a chicken (half of goose). 7. Have you any tinned salmon (cod-liver) in stock? 1. Мне, пожалуйста, пачку чая (кофе, печенья, сахара). 2. Мне, пожалуйста, килограмм кофе в зернах (шоколадных конфет, бисквитного печенья). 3. Дайте, пожалуйста, банку варенья (меда, компота, грибов, фаршированного перца). 4. Дайте, пожалуйста, пакет молока (сливок). 5. Пожалуйста, 300 г. вареной колбасы (копченой колбасы, ветчины). 6. Взвесьте, пожалуйста, цыпленка (половину гуся). 7. Есть ли у вас в продаже лосось в собственном соку (печень трески)?



Read, translate and render the dialogues in the indirect speech.


A: What can I get for you?

C: A pound of lump sugar, please.

A: And what next, please?

C: A packet of corn flakes, please. And yes, I’ll want some tea and also a dozen of eggs, please.

A: Is there anything else?

C: A packet of detergent. A small size, please.

A: Are you all right for butter and margarine?

C: No, thank you. That’s all for the moment.



A: Will that be all?

C: Oh, no. I’d like a pound of learn smoked bacon, please.

A: Will this do? It’s all we have at the moment, I’m afraid.

C: No, It’s much too fat. I’d better take some ham instead. How much is it?

A: Forty-three a pound.

C: That’s rather expensive. I’d better take eight ounces, please.


Fiona: Well, mum usually tells me what to write down and I write it.

Mary: How do you work out what you want?

Fiona: Well, I put some headings like the butcher’s and the baker’s and the chemist’s and the greengrocer’s and the grocer’s and than she says things and if she said “apples” – under the greengrocer’s, “cakes” – under the baker’s, two tins of soup are at the grocer’s and things like this.

Mary: And she looks in the cupboard, does she?

Fiona:Yes. Or, if we’re having people to stay for a week, she makes up a menu and then, from that, she works out what we’ve got to buy.




Mother: Ann, will you please, do the shopping today? I'm very busy.

Ann: Of course, I shall. What am I to buy?

Mother: We are going to have a festive dinner tomorrow. Your aunt Liza and uncle Roger promised to come and see us.

Ann: What are you going to cook? Shall we have anything special?

Mother: For the first course I want to make clear coup. Will you buy some beef, please, but mind, it shouldn't be very fat.

Ann: Shall I buy anything else at the butcher's?

Mother: If they have lean mutton, buy 2 kilos, please, I'll make mutton chops for the second course. I'm afraid we've ran out of potatoes and tomatoes. Drop in at the greengrocer's and get 2 kilos of potatoes and one of tomatoes.

Ann: Is that all? Beef, 2 kilos of mutton, 2 kilos of potatoes and 1 of tomatoes.

Mother: Oh, dear, you won't be able to сапу all that, I'll ask Mike to help you. Mike, will you please, go with Ann and help her with the shopping?

Mike: Certainly, if she buys me an ice cream.

Mother: That reminds me. Will you look in at the cake shop and buy a chocolate cake? Aunt Liza is very fond of it. That seems to be all. Here is the money.

Ann: Mike, take the shopping bag and off we go.




Jane: And now we’re going to buy some vegetables. Let’s cross the road. There’s the greengrocer’s over there.

Greengrocer: Good morning, madam. What can I do for you?

Jane: I want a large cabbage, please, and a pound of carrots.

Greengrocer: Yes, madam. Anything else?

Jane: some fruit, please, six of those oranges and two pounds of these apples.

Greengrocer: Any grapes, madam?

Jane: No, nothing else, thank you.




Exercise 1. Answer the following questions.

1. Who does the shopping in your family? 2. Where in one buy meat? 3. What kinds of meat do you know? 4. Do you prefer beef to pork? veal to mutton? mutton to pork? 5. How can you cook beef? mutton? 6. What meat do you usually buy for soup? 7. Do you like white or brown bread? 8. How much bread do you buy daily? 9. What else can you buy at the baker's? 10. Are you fond of sweets? 11. Where do you buy them? 12. How often do you buy bakes and biscuits? 13.What does the fruiterer deal in? 14. What fruit can you buy in season? all the year round? 15. Do you prefer apples to pears? grapes to oranges? peaches to plums? strawberries to cherries? 16. Where do we buy vegetables? 17. What ve­getables do you usually buy? 18. What dishes can we make of vegetables? 19. Where is dairy produce sold? 20. What dairy produce do you buy daily? 21. Do you use sour cream when cooking? 22. What shop deals in fish? 23. Do you like fish better than meat? 24. Is there a supermarket not far from where you live? 25. What departments can you see in the supermarket?


Exercise 2. Ask your fellow students:

... if she (he) likes shopping

... when she (he) usually does it

... if there are many shops in her (Ms) street

... what food she (he) buys every day (on Sunday, for a festive dinner

... what vegetables she buys for a mushroom soup

... what things she (he) buys for breakfast (supper)

... if she buys cakes or makes them herself

... if she (he) prefers smoked fish to pickled fish

... what kind of meat she usually buys

... where she buys it

... if it is sold ready-weighed and ready-packed

... what fruit she can buy all the year round (in season)

... what her favourite kind of fruit is

... what dishes she can make of potatoes

... if she knows how to make salads

... what salad she likes best of all

... what dairy produce she usually buys

... what bread she prefers: brown or white

... how much bread she buys every day

... how much money she spends on her everyday shopping

... what food she buys once a week

... how often she buys flour, coffee, sugar, tea, cereals

... if she prefers to do the shopping at a self-service shop and why

... if she likes small specialized shops better than supermarkets



Exercise 3. Match the words in column A with these in column B.

    A 1. A packet of 2. A bar of 3. A bunch of 4. A paint of 5. Half a pound of (1/2 lb) 6. A tube of 7. Half a dozen (1/2 doz.) 8. A bottle of 9. 12 ounces of (12 oz.) 10. 2 jars of         B a. Beer b. Milk c. Chocolate d. Rolls e. Radishes f. Champagne g. Raspberry jam h. Butter i. Table salt j. cheese  






Exercise 4. Complete the following sentences accor­ding to the examples.


Example 1: The baker...

The baker sells bread, buns, rolls etc.

Say what the following shops and tradesmen sell: the butcher, the fruiterer, the grocer, the greengrocer, the confectioner, the dairy, the fishmonger, the cake shop.

The following pictures can help you:






Example 2: We buy meat

We buy meat at the butcher's

Say at what shops you can buy:

ham and sausage; sugar and coffee; beef and mut­ton; chickens and geese; smoked and salted fish; po­tatoes, onions and carrots; grapes and pears; milk and sour cream; cakes and pies; toffees, candies and choco­lates; curds and sweet cream; tea, eggs, flour; beetroot and cabbage; turkeys and ducks; oranges and apples; cheese and cream; green peas and tomatoes.


Exercise 5. What will you say if you want to know:

the price of the cake; where the meat counter is; if the bread is new; if they have bottled milk; how much a kilo of grapes costs; how much you must pay for the things you have bought; if they have smoked fish on sale; where you can buy some sweets; if you must do the shopping today.

Exercise 6. What will you do if:

you've run out of flour; you are expecting some­body for dinner; you want to make meat salad; your husband asked you to cook fish for dinner; the doctor's advice is to eat much fruit and vegetables; you are going to treat your family to roast chicken; you are going to cook a Christmas dinner.

Exercise 7. Complete the following sentences.

1. What can I do for you? I'd like.... 2. How much do I pay for...? 3. Where can I get...? 4. Is the mut­ton...? 5. Where do they sell...? 6. I've run out of.... 7. Have you got...? 8. Where is the nearest...? 9. It's very convenient to do the shopping.... 10. If you've run out of potatoes you'd better.... 11. They sell a lot of nice things at.... 12. Meat salad is easy to make: buy.... 13. If you want to cook clear soup.... 14. Every day I buy.... 15. Once a week we buy.... 16. They usually sell fish... 17. Besides milk I want you to buy....18. The florist deals in.... 19. I prefer to do the shopping at.... 20. Can I have a loaf of...?

Exercise 8. Fill in the blanks with prepositions and postverbal adverbs wherever necessary.

1. The baker usually deals... bread, buns and rolls, He has all kinds... bread... sale. 2. I prefer to do the lopping... a self-service shop. One takes a basket and moves... the counters which are filled... various food-stuffs. After you've chosen the things you want you come…the cash-desk and pay... them. 3. They sell apples and oranges all the year.. but strawberry is sold only... season. 4.... the fishmonger's one can buy smoked, salted, fresh and frozen fish. 5. We go... a milkshop... dairy produce. 6. Bread is sold... loaves, meat... kilos, eggs... dozens (tens). 7. If you've run...... vegetables you'd better go... the greengrocer's now. 8. How much does a bottle... milk cost? 9.... the way, have you got pickled cucumbers or tomatoes?10. Will you drop...... the baker's and buy some rolls? 11. Where do I pay... the things I've bought?... cash-desk which is... the exit. 12. Mushroom soup is made... mushrooms, potatoes and ions. 13. This shop is famous... its biscuits all... the y. 14. The poulterer deals... poultry.

Exercise 9. Name some kinds of vegetables, meat, poultry, fruit, pastry.

Exercise 10. Say what you buy to cook beetroot soup, cabbage soup, meat salad, a cake, vegetable salad,, mushroom soup, fish salad, mushroom omelette.


Exercise11. Find the logic order of the following of the dialogues.



1. – It’s on the second floor, to the right of the escalator.

2. – Try the Household goods department.

3. – Excuse me, where can I buy some enamel saucepans?

4. – How do I get there?


1. – Oh, they are really nice.

2. – Here you are.

3. – it’s 15 pounds.

4. – I like this apple green one.

5. – Yes, I’ll have it, please.

6. – I’d like a scarf to match my handbag.

7. – How much is it&

8. – can I help you?

9. – we have a lovely selection of fine woolen ones.


1. – What colour do you have in mind?

2. – Yes, I’m looking for a blazer in size 46.

3. – Mm, that’s nice. But I’d prefer something a bit quieter, greyish-blue, perhaps.

4. – I beg your pardon?

5. – And how do you like this navy-blue one?

6. – Are you being attended to?

7. - I’m afraid, we don’t have anything like that in stock.

8. – Cloud I help you with anything?

9. – Pity.

10. – What about this one?


Exercise 12. Translate into English.

1. У нас кончилось масло. Зайди, пожалуйста, дороге из школы в магазин и купи двести граммов. Заодно возьми триста граммов сыра. 2. Я собираюсь испечь торт, для этого мне понадобится пять яиц, стакан сахара, двести граммов сметаны, два стакана муки. Сахар, мука и яйца есть, а сметана кон­чилась. Петя, сбегай в молочный магазин и купи сметану, пожалуйста. Если будет творог, возьми две пачки. 3. Что нужно купить в овощном магазине? -Пакет картошки, килограмм лука, полкило соленых огурцов и банку зеленого горошка. Я хочу сделать на ужин мясной салат. В холодильнике лежит кусок от­варного мяса. 4. Когда пойдешь в аптеку (to the che­mist's), зайди, пожалуйста, по дороге в булочную и купи полбуханки черного хлеба и два батона. 5. Ря­дом с нашим домом большой универсам. Я очень люблю делать там покупки. На это у меня уходит не больше 30-40 минут.


А: Дайте мне, пожалуйста, пачку печенья и 2 пачки чая.

Б: Какой чай вы хотите?

А: какой-нибудь индийский.

Б: Вот этот лучший из тех, что у нас есть.

А: Пачка очень большая. А есть у вас такой же но в меньшей пачке?

Б: Да, пожалуйста.


А: Есть у нас хлеб? Я могу зайти в булочную по дороге.

Б: Белый есть, а черный кончился. И купи чего-нибудь к чаю.

А: Хорошо. В нашей кондитерской обычно хорошее печенье.

Б: Мне хочется пирожных сегодня.


А: Вот этот кусок говядины пожалуйста.

Б: Это будет 2 килограмма.

А: Мне надо поменьше. Выберите, пожалуйста, такой же нежирный, но меньше.

Б: Вот этот около килограмма.

А: Прекрасно. Сколько этот стоит?


А: У нас нет ни фруктов, ни овощей.

Б: Вон овощной, давай зайдем.

А: ты покупай овощи, а я посмотрю фрукты.

Б: Какие овощи нам нужны?

А: Килограмм моркови, 2 кочана капусты, полкилограмма лука, несколько головок чеснока, и картошки, конечно, тоже, пять килограммов.

Б: Посмотри, какая очередь за картошкой. Я лучше схожу завтра на рынок.


А: Ты можешь купить все в одном месте?

Б: Да, но я предпочитаю не покупать в супермаркете.

А: Почему?

Б: Я люблю маленькие магазины. Булочная, кондитерский, мясной, овощной, молочный. Они все имеют свою индивидуальность, а супермаркеты какие то безликие. К тому же, таким образом я избегаю лишних затрат, необдуманных покупок.

А: Да, действительно, зайдя в супермаркет за пачкой чая и парой банок консервов, можно выйти с полной сумкой товаров от колготок до корма для животных, так и не купив чай.

Exercise 13. Be ready to talk on one of the follo­wing topics.

1. Everyday shopping. 2. Doing the shopping at a su­permarket. 3. The shopping you did before your birthday party.

Exercise 14. Make up your own dialogues on the topic "Shopping";.

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