Студопедия — Match each word from column A (1-22) with its partner from column B (a-v) to make a computing term definition. All of these terms are from Basic English for Computing Unit 3
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Match each word from column A (1-22) with its partner from column B (a-v) to make a computing term definition. All of these terms are from Basic English for Computing Unit 3

1 expansion card a) the main electronic circuit board inside a computer that holds and connects together all the main electronic components
23gigabyte   b) a unit of frequency equal to 1 million cycles per second  
3motherboard   c) acronym for random access memory – memory that can be read and written to by the processor  
4expansion slot   d) the memory used to store graphics data on a graphics card
5 port     e) an electronic circuit board used for adding facilities to a computer
6kilobyte   f) designed so that components can be added to improve the features or performance of the system
7cache memory     g) the small connector at the back of the system unit of a PC that is used to connect the monitor to the graphics card
8 Megahertz   h) a connector at the back of a system unit of a PC that is used for connecting external devices to the CPU  
9Byte   i) a long connector at the back of a system unit of a PC that is often used to connect a printer to the CPU
10 RAM   j the main electronic chip in a computer. It can be thought of as the “brain” of the computer because it does the main processing and controls the other parts of the computer. It is sometimes called the CPU.
11serial port k) a capacity of 230 bytes, i.e. 1024 megabytes
12power supply l) a capacity of 210 bytes, i.e. 1024 bytes  
13 chip m) high speed memory used to speed up a computer
14memory slot n) a unit of capacity. It is made up of eight bits and stores one character, i.e. a letter, a number, a space or a punctuation mark
15graphics card o) common name for a microchip
16 loudspeaker p) the type of mouse that is connected to the serial port at the back of the system unit of a PC
17Microprocessor   q) a connector on the motherboard of a computer that enables extra memory chips attached to a small memory board to be added.
18parallel port   r) the small connector at the back of the system unit of a PC that is used to connect a serial device such as a serial mouse or a modem. Two serial ports labeled COM1 and COM2 are usually provided on a PC
19serial mouse s) an expansion board containing electronics for controlling the computer output to a monitor
20 video(VGA) port t) a sound output device
21video memory u) the electrical component that provides filtered mains electricity at the correct voltage for a computer
22 upgradable v) a long thin connector that is used for adding additional electronics in the form of expansion cards


Unit 4

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