'public norms
| 'maximum
| 'serious
Ex. 2. Give nouns derived from the following verbs:
to ban, to kill, to arrest, to suspect, to offend, to omit, to punish, to legislate, to wound, to aid, to abet, to incite, to assist, to abolish, to convict, to accuse.
Ex. 3. Pair the verbs in column B with a suitable phrase in column A:
1. accuse someone
2. arrest someone
3. ban
4. break
5. charge someone
6. commit
7. cross-examine
8. hijack
9. hold up
10. murder someone
11. pinch
12. serve
13. sound
14. take someone
15. try
16. vandalize
| A
a) in cold blood
b) into custody
c) a witness
d) telephone boxes
e) for armed robbery
f) a prison sentence
g) a case
h) with murder
i) smoking in public places
j) of shoplifting
k) the alarm
l) a crime
m) some money
n) a plane
o) the law
p) a bank
Ex. 4. Add nouns to the following adjectives to form noun phrases:
Adjectives: wrongful, criminal, changing, fatal, serious, summary, mental, guilty.
Nouns: act, omission, behaviour, activity, matter, habits, norms, offence, crimes, case, element, conviction, mind, action.
Ex. 5. Match the crimes and offences with the correct definition.
1. Arson
2. Assault
3. Blackmail
4. Burglary
5. Embezzlement
6. Forgery
7. Fraud
8. Hijacking
9. Kidnapping
10. Libel
11. Manslaughter
12. Murder
13. Rape
14. Robbery
15. Shoplifting
16. Theft
| a) is taking a person away by force and keeping them prisoner, usually in order to demand money for their safe return.
b) is the serious crime of stealing large amounts of money from a bank, a shop or a vehicle, often using force or threats of violence.
c) is the crime of copying things such as banknotes, letters, official documents, etc. in order to deceive people.
d) is killing a person by accident or negligence.
e) is forcing someone to have sex with you.
f) is the crime of deliberately setting fire to a building.
g) is taking control of an aeroplane, train, etc. by force, usually in order to make political demands.
h) is killing a person deliberately.
i) is demanding money or favours from someone by threatening to reveal a secret about them which, if made public, could cause the person embarrassment and harm.
j) is deliberately taking goods from a shop without paying for them.
k) is stealing money that is placed in your care, often over a period of time.
l) is the crime of getting money from someone by tricking or deceiving them.
m) is the crime of physically attacking someone.
n) is printing or publishing something which is untrue and damages another person's reputation in some way.
o) is the crime of breaking into a house, a flat, etc. in order to steal things.
p) is the crime of stealing.