Food an mtercom, food is brought on a tray,
I^"i 2. fast-food b. dish of cut-up beef with miishrooms and sour I cream Ф J. (in VI.,-, JC. CCiuLiiuuiüi. о, ЬіСакіЛЬі.^U, i,Ci\:J. late m the morning or ear!\ йг;егпооп, Drive- d. restaurant that has a liqifor licence to tluough ser»'c beer, wine, and other alcoholic *4 beverages / -j: л В 5. licensed \^ake-oul system; you drder through * - ; ' your car И 6. caterer f. several uses are common: outdoor grill; '/ ' ' ' spicy tomato sauce used on the food; party or picnic where barbecued foods ■Ä 8. barbecue h. (Fr.) style of cooking В 10. gourmet j: food flav oured with herbs or spices U 11. seasoned k. restaurant where you order through food an mtercom, food is brought on a tray, / and you eat in your car У 12. strong К (Fr.) someone who enjoys and is drink an excellent judge of high qualit\' ,^. food and drink В 13. trifle |rf. food with little nutritional value, >■ ',.» particularly potato chips, soft drinkb, cdiidy, ^ etc..■.-••„.ІЙ4''- }0^jl4. junk food n. Briti,sh dessert mг^4^ wjxh cake, whipped crearri, custard, fniit^nd cherry stroganoff and banquets in a home Ц or rented premises к