Unit 2
Types of Companies
(they come in every shape & size, you knowJ)
Exercise 1
Match the companies on the left (1-17) with their sectors on the right
1. A company which makes aspirin.
2 A company which mines diamonds.
3 A company which makes men's suits.
4 A company which sells package holidays.
5 A company which makes trucks.
6 A company which distributes electricity.
7 A supermarket chain.
8 A company which builds houses.
9 A company which makes washing machines.
10A company which sells hamburgers
11A company which makes camcorders
12A road haulage company
13A company which makes fighter planes.
14A company which makes shampoo.
15A restaurant chain.
16A newspaper publisher
17 A company which makes TV sets, computers
| a) automotive
b) construction
c) consumer electronics
d) catering
e) defence
f) extractive
g) fast food
h) media
i) pharmaceuticals
j) retail
k) textiles
1) toiletries
m) tourism
n) transport
o) utilities
p) white goods
q) brown goods
Exercise 2