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Additional literature. 3. Michael Harris, David Mower and Anna Sikorzynska

3. Michael Harris, David Mower and Anna Sikorzynska. New Opportunities Upper-Intermediate Student’s Book. 2006.

4. Amanda Maris, Outcomes Intermediate workbook 2010.

5. Internet resources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stonehenge, http://www.eslcafe.com/pv/


Kazakh Leading Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering Hand out   English as a foreign language Department of General Intermediate level Humanitarian Training 2 credits Academic year 2012-13 Practical lesson №26 The 3rd term Lexical theme: “How well do you know our world” Grammar: “Third conditional.Continued” Assistant professor: Gaiipova Gulipa Abdiraimovna

Grammar:Third conditional.

Third conditional sentences: if+had+past participle, would+have +past participle.

Use the 3rd conditional sentences to talk about a hypothetical/imaginary situations in the past and its consequence. Compare:Yesterday I got up late and missed my train (real situation).

If I hadn`t got up late yesterday, I wouldn`t have missed my train (imaginary situation)

Structure of the third conditional
positive negative question
If I'd (I had) known you were coming, I would have waited for you. If she hadn't (had not) been ill, she would have gone to the cinema. Would you have done it if you'd (you had) known earlier?
The third conditional - common mistakes
Common mistakes Correct version Why?
If I would have asked him, he would have helped me. If I had asked him, he would have helped me. In the if-clause we use the past perfect (had + pastparticiple). We don't use 'would' or 'would have' in the if-clause.
If you had spoken to my mother, she would tell you where I was. If you had spoken to my mother, she would have told you where I was. The main clause has would + have + past participle.

? Writing.

Complete the third conditional sentences with the correct form of the verbs
If you _______me, I ___________on time. (not help, not finish) hadn`t helped, wouldn`t have finished
We _____ if our best player _____ injured. (win, not be)  
I _____ you some money if you _____ me. (lend, ask)  
If you _____ me yesterday, I _____ my plans. (ask, change)  
You ______ the weekend if you ______ with us. (enjoy, come)  
If she _____ he was so mean, she ______ him. (know, not marry)  

& Read the situation and choose the best sentence using the third conditional.

1. I wasn't thirsty. I didn't drink the lemonade.

If I was thirsty, I would drink the lemonade

If I had been thirsty, I would've drunk the lemonade

If I would have been thirsty, I drank the lemonade

2. I didn't know Kirsty was in town. I didn't call her.

If I had known Kirsty was in town, I would have called her

I had called Kirsty if I had know she was in town

I would had called Kirsty if I have known she was in town

3.. I didn't know watching this documentary was important for our exam. I didn't watch it.
If I knew this documentary was important, I had watched it

If I would have known this documentary was important, I had watched it

If I had known this documentary was important, I would've watched it

4. I walked home from the disco. My friend was too drunk to drive.

I hadn't walked home from the disco if my friend wasn't too drunk to drive

I wouldn't have walked home from the disco if my friend hadn't been too drunk to drive
I wouldn't had walked home from the disco if my friend hadn't been too drunk to drive

5. I didn't go to the store. I thought it closed at 5pm. It closed at 6pm.

If I had known the store had closed at 6pm, I would've gone

If I knew the store would have closed at 6pm, I would've gone

I would've gone to the store if I know it had closed at 6pm

6. I ate the yoghurt in the fridge. I thought it was mine, not yours.

If I would have known the yoghurt was yours, I wouldn't have eaten it

If I had known the yoghurt was yours, I wouldn't have eaten it

I hadn't eaten the yoghurt if I knew it was yours


Дата добавления: 2015-09-06; просмотров: 810. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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