Automatically implemented properties
When a property is specified as an automatically implemented property, a hidden backing field is automatically available for the property, and the accessors are implemented to read from and write to that backing field. The following example: public class Point { is equivalent to the following declaration: public class Point { Because the backing field is inaccessible, it can be read and written only through the property accessors, even within the containing type. This means that automatically implemented read-only or write-only properties do not make sense, and are disallowed. It is however possible to set the access level of each accessor differently. Thus, the effect of a read-only property with a private backing field can be mimicked like this: public class ReadOnlyPoint { This restriction also means that definite assignment of struct types with auto-implemented properties can only be achieved using the standard constructor of the struct, since assigning to the property itself requires the struct to be definitely assigned. This means that user-defined constructors must call the default constructor.