Application Process for Refunds
Request for Refund or Test Date Transfer Form
Information for Candidates
Candidates who seek to cancel their registration or transfer test dates within the five-week period prior to the test date will only receive a refund if they can satisfy to the Administrator that their ability to sit the test has been affected by illness or serious cause. Serious causes include: · illness – e.g. hospital admission, serious injury or illness (does not include minor illness such as a mild cold) · loss or bereavement – death of a close family member · hardship/trauma – victim of crime, victim of a traffic accident · military service.
Application Process for Refunds
Candidates must lodge an application for refund no later than five working days after the test date. Candidates must complete a Request for Refund Form and attach the appropriate documentation and/or evidence. Acceptable documents may include a medical certificate from a qualified medical practitioner, a death certificate, or a police report. Statutory declarations and certificates signed by family members are not acceptable.
The Administrator will advise the candidate within one week of lodging the application whether or not their request has been approved.
Refunds – If the candidate’s application is approved, the centre will refund the test fee to the candidate. However the centre may deduct an administrative fee (no more than 25% of the test fee).
Transfer – If the candidate’s application is approved, candidates must select a test date within the next three-month period and this will be approved by the Administrator depending on availability for the selected test date. There may be limited availability for the test dates in the first five-week period. Candidates who whish to transfer to a test date more than three months away should apply for a refund and then re-apply for the test.