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Parameters and Factors of Concept MONEY. Idiomatic aspect of money in modern English and Ukrainian languages.

An idiom is a word or phrase which means something different from its literal meaning. Idioms are common phrases or terms whose meaning is not real, but can be understood by their popular use.

Because idioms can mean something different from what the words mean it is difficult for someone not very good at speaking the language to use them properly. Some idioms are only used by some groups of people or at certain times. The idiom shape up or ship out, which is like saying improve your behavior or leave if you don't, might be said by an employer or supervisor to an employee, but not to other people.

Idioms are not the same thing as slang. Idioms are made of normal words that have a special meaning known by almost everyone. Slang is usually special words that are known only by a particular group.

To learn a language a person needs to learn the words in that language, and how and when to use them. But people also need to learn idioms separately because certain words together or at certain times can have different meanings. In order to understand an idiom, one sometimes needs to know the culture the idiom comes from.

To know the history of an idiom can be useful and interesting, but is not necessary to be able to use the idiom properly. For example most native British English speakers know that "No room to swing a cat" means "there was not a lot of space" and can use the idiom properly, but few know it is because 200 years ago sailors were punished by being whipped with a whip called a "cat o'nine tails". A big space was cleared on the ship so that the person doing the whipping had a lot of room to swing the cat.

A better understanding of an idiom is that it is a phrase whose meaning cannot be understood from the dictionary definitions of each word taken separately.

A fool and his money are soon parted. - something that you say which means that stupid people spend money without thinking about it enough.

A money-spinner (British & Australian) - a business or product that makes a lot of money for someone.

A run for one's money – 1. The results or rewards one deserves, expects, or wants

2. A challenge.

Bad money drives out good. - If there is counterfeit or inflated currency in circulation, people will hoard their genuine currency; worthless things will drive valuable things out of circulation.

Be in the money - to suddenly have a lot of money, especially when you did not expect it.

Be minting money - to be earning a lot of money quickly.

Be money for old rope (British informal) also be money for jam (British informal) - if a job is money for old rope, it is an easy way of earning money.

Draw against an amount of money - to withdraw money from something in advance.

Easy money - money that you earn with very little work or effort.

Not for love nor/or money - if you say that you cannot or will not do something for love nor money, you mean that it is impossible to do or that you will not do it whatever happens.

For my money - in my opinion (as regards value or worth).

Fork some money out (for something) - to pay (perhaps unwillingly) for something.

Funny money - 1. counterfeit money.

2. temporary or substitute money, good only in certain places.

3. foreign currency.

Get an amount of money for something - to receive an amount of money in exchange for something; to sell something for a specific price.

Have money to burn - to have a lot of money and spend large amounts on things that are not necessary.

Hush money - money paid as a bribe to persuade someone to remain silent and not reveal certain information.

Lend your money and lose your friend. - you should not lend money to your friends; if you do, either you will have to bother your friend to repay the loan, which will make your friend resent you, or your friend will not repay the loan, which will make you resent your friend.

Money burns a hole in someone's pocket. - an expression decribing someone who spends money as soon as it is earned.

Money talks - Money gives one power and influence to help get things done or get one's own way.

One's (butter and) egg money - money that a farm woman earns. (Farm women would often sell butter and eggs for extra money that would be stashed away for an emergency.)

Pin money - a small amount of money that you earn and spend on things for yourself.

Pour money down the drain - to waste money; to throw money away.

Spend money like water - of someone spends money like water, they spend too much.

You pays your money and you takes your chance(s). - You must resign yourself to taking risks.; Everything costs something, but paying for something does not guarantee that you will get it. (The grammatical errors are intentional.)

Throw good money after bad - to waste additional money after wasting money once.

Start someone out at an amount of money - to start someone working at a particular salary.

See the colour of somebody's money (British & Australian) also see the color of somebody's money (American & Australian) - to make sure that someone can pay for something before you let them have it.

Time is money - time is valuable, so don't waste it.



The vocabulary of a language is enriched not only by words but also by phraseological units.

The stable expression or the idiom is a group of words whose meaning as a group is different from the meaning those words would have if you considered each one separately. Idiomatic units are word-groups that cannot be made in the process of speech; they exist in the language as ready-made units. N. M. Rayevska defines idiom (idiomatic phrase) as “a phrase, developing a meaning which cannot be readily analysed into the several semantic elements which would ordinarily be expressed by the words making up the phrase. It transcends the ordinary syntactic patterns and must be studied as an indivisible entity, in itself”.

Idioms make the language more picturesque. They make each language more individual, colourful and rich. Idioms reflect the past history of the nation, its traditions and customs, folk-songs and fairy-tales, as well as its culture.

The word “ money ” as one of the most frequent used now word in combination with other words it can make up a vast range of stable phrases and idioms. This action and word is widely used in different communicative situations, styles and provinces of life. That is why it has acquired various shades of meaning and become the part of stable phrases, some idioms and expressions.

I have chosen this topic, because I think the subject “money” are very important sense of human beings and in every language of the world there are expressions concerning the subject “money” and a great number of stable phrases and idioms to this word and notion. But as languages and cultures differ, these phrases are not absolutely the same. I find it interesting to look for information, to search for it in books or Internet, to become deeper into details.

Thus, these steps of analysis will aid in better understanding of the very essence of phrases denoting the subject “money” in general and in particular.




Ukrainian idioms

1 Або грай, або гроші вертай!

2 Біда з грошима – біда і без грошей.

3 Брат братом, сват сватом, а гроші – не рідня.

4 Велика справа – гроші, а ще більше – правда!

5 Віддай гроші руками, а ходи за ними ногами.

6 Віра вірою, а бринза за гроші.

7 Грошей – і кишеня не сходиться.

8 Гроші відкривають всі двері.

9 Гроші круглі: день і ніч котяться.

10 Гроші маленькі, та велику справу роблять.

11 Гроші хороші лічені, а діти виховані.

12 Де гроші говорять, там правда мовчить.

13 Де гроші говорять, там розум мовчить.

14 Де качани копали, там і гроші пропали.

15 Держи копієчку про чорний день.

16 Де треба – свисни, та золотом блисни.

17 Де не доглядиш оком, заплатиш гаманцем.

18 Діла на копійку, а балачок на гривню.

19 Договір дорожче за гроші.

20 За гроші і біс молитву прочитає.

21 За добре слово не платять грошей, а скажеш – усім приємно.

22 За гроші не купиш ні батька, ні матері, ні родини.

23 Не женися за довгим рублем, і короткий втратиш.

24 За що продать, то продать, аби свіжа копійка!

25 З грошима і в грязі чистий.


English idioms


List of Reference Materials.

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