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Page 536.

Vicecomes (lib. 3, cap. 21), says, "He (Albinus) also makes mention of the examination (in the faith) of the elect, that is, those chosen to be baptized, tracing them down from the times of the apostles." Cap. 22, he says, "Then took place the examination (in the faith), in order that it might be ascertained with greater certainty, whether, after the renunciation of Satan, the Word of God and the faith promised to it, had taken deep root in the heart." Cap. 26: "Albinus Flaccus, in the chapter on baptism, writes: 'For the baptism of the elect, who are examined (in the faith), according to the rule of the apostles, consecrated by fasting, and instructed by diligent preaching, two seasons are set apart, Easter and Whitsuntide.'";

To this, D. Vicecomes adds this comment, "If these examinations were held according to the rules of the apostles, they must needs have been observed by all; but subsequently, when infant baptism came into vogue, this necessary practice was abolished (or discontinued) by the church. A. D. 860, in the reign of the Emperors Louis the Pious and Lothaire; of which abundant proof exists.";

What do you think, beloved reader, of this last testimony? to say nothing of the testimonies of AIbinus Flaccus. This Vicecomes was a pedobaptist and strenuous maintainer of pedobaptism; yet he states that the necessary (yea, apostolical) practice of examinations (in the faith) was abolished or discontinued when infant baptism came into vogue; he also indicates the time when this occurred, namely, A. D. 860. As to how he came at this, we leave to him to answer.

In the meantime, this is also quite a refutation of.those who fix the origin of infant baptism very early, indeed according to some, in the tune of the apostles. However, that infant baptism, together with many other superstitions, originated soon after the death of the apostles, they can, in some measure substantiate; but that it wavered in the Roman church, for many centuries, till the year 900, yea, almost 1000, being now established, then abolished, adopted in one place, and rejected in another, etc., appears sufficiently from the books in which we have read the same.

We confine ourselves to the time of Albinus Flaccus, who lived about A. D. 792, when this intrusion was already rapidly gaining ground, which also D. Vicecomes has seen, for, when he mentions the chrism in baptism, and some other factitious practices of the papists, he adds that it is his opinion that all this did not begin until after the time of Albinus Flaccus, when they ceased to baptize adults. Lib. 5, cap. 5 and 19.

I cannot forbear adding here the verdict of Jacob Mehrning, who, immediately after noting the preceding passages from D. Vicecomes, writes, "Thus we see from the history of this time, that infant baptism hung yet as by a thread between both, being received by some, and rejected by others, which is a strong proof that it is not apostolical, much less instituted by Christ Himself. But what immeasurable damage to souls, and what grossly barbarous ignorance in Christendom, the introduction of this absurd infant baptism has brought about, many intelligent persons, even in that age, were able to discern. Bapt. Hist., page 537.

A. D. 800.-Various writers state that at this time, the last year of the eighth century, infant baptism, although those of the Roman church in general stoutly adhered to it, was nevertheless not practiced, yea, positively rejected by many, insomuch that they observed the very ancient custom mentioned by us in different preceding centuries, of baptizing only adults, on Easter and Whitsuntide.

Sebastian Franck, writing of this time and custom, and having referred to Tertullian's book, De Corona Militis, says: "Respecting this passage Beatus Rhenanus notes that it was the custom of the ancients, to baptize and wash adults with the washing of regeneration; which custom was observed till the time of Charlemagne and the Emperor Louis, A. D. 800." Chron. Rom. Kett., page 123, col. 2.

P. J. Twisck gives the following account for the year 800, "The ancient custom was, to baptize adults with the washing of regeneration, which was observed till the time of the Emperors Charlemagne and Louis. This is shown by the laws established by them, in which the priests (that is, the teachers) were prohibited from baptizing at any other time than Easter and Whitsuntide, except where death was imminent." Again, "It was the custom of the ancients (Polydorus says), to baptize mostly adults, and to put a white garment on them after baptism. This was done at Easter and Whitsuntide; in the meantime, before these feasts, those to be baptized were instructed in the mystery of the faith, and were called catechumens, that is, such as are being instructed; for, when they had apprehended the mystery, they were baptized." Chron., 8th book, page 271, col. 2, from Polydor. de Inrventoribus rerum, lib. 4. Beatus Rhenanus in Annat. super., Tertull., Grond. Bewrijs, letter B., Chron. Seb. Franck., Thorn, 1 mbr., fol. 26.

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