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PAYMENTS A payment is the transfer of money from one party (such as a person or company) to another. A payment is usually made in exchange for the provision of goods, services. The simplest and oldest form of payment is barter, the exchange of one good or service for another. In the modern world, common means of payment by an individual include money, cheque, debit, credit, or bank transfer In law, the payer is the party making a payment while the payee is the party receiving the payment. First two types of payment – push and pull. Push means ‘I give you money’ – this is a traditional cash payment or ‘credit transfer’. Pull means ‘you take the money’ – this is a traditional debit payment. The third type of payment is a Mutual or Third Party transaction – this is where the transaction takes place with both a Push and Pull. In a Mutual transaction, the payer uses a method to give the money to a third party. Examples: a card transaction, cheque payments. Finally, we have Deported or Complex payments. This is a combination of the other three payment methods to create a new payment type. Deported indicates that this payment method uses a secondary tier of transactions: from card to bank account or card to card but via intermediary accounts. Example: PayPal. Если сумма перевода составляет менее 2.000 тенге, то данные средства будут зачислены на баланс мобильного телефона указанного в профиле.
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