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High Scale of Construction

Construction is growing from year to year in our great country. This requires the use of new building methods and new building materials which play a very important role in the work of architects and builders. They help to develop modern architecture, speed up construction work and decrease its cost.

We are now building thousands of new blocks of flats, schools, hospitals and a large number of industrial enter­prises. A great percentage of the houses are constructed by house-building plants. This building method is successfully applied in different cities and towns of Russia. The newly built blocks of flats have all modern conve­niences, making our life more and more comfortable.

Colossal Construction Site. If it were possible to have a bird's-eye view of Western Siberia, one would see that it is in reality a colossal construc­tion site. Large industrial enterprises are being built and still more are planned for construction. Blocks of flats containing tens of millions of square metres of floor space are under construc­tion.

The realization of this programme for capital construction is possible only if industrial methods of work are used, if construction work is turned into a mechanized process of erection in which buildings and other structures are made of prefabricated parts.

Among the large industrial enterprises of Western Siberia, a great number of power stations have been and are being built with capacities of about 2 to 4 million kw. Electricity has reached Siberian collective and state farms, small railway stations. It has set in motion electric trains and machines at plants and factories and illuminated villages and towns. A number of industries will make further progress on the basis of local raw materials.

Building Units Reduce Construction Costs. Building units suitable for offices, classrooms, libraries, village halls or airport buildings, are now being manufactured in a transportable form yet completely permanent. The units are sold in a series of large prefabricated component parts which can be erected by a local contractor.

Erection is simple; the units can be put up by unskilled labour, entirely by hand, and without the use of a mechanical plant.

The length of the buildings are from 24 ft upwards. Spans are standardised at 18 ft, 24 ft and 30 ft. Floor to ceiling height at its lowest (under the roof beams) is 8 ft 6 in.

Europe's Largest Tyre Works. The second section of what is claimed to be Europe's larg­est tyre works has been built in the Ukrainian town of Dnie-propetrovsk. The territory of the works has been enlarged by 100 acres. Some 30 industrial buildings have gone up and the main block which is made of prefabricated reinforced con­crete occupies an area nearly 1,300,000 sq ft, or almost twice as much as the first section of the works. All production pro­cesses are fully mechanized and automated.

House-building Combine. House-building combines "create" the whole building. They not only make the various elements and components but as­semble them on the site. All the working processes are mecha­nized.

The first blocks made of prefabricated units appeared in the villages in the Volgograd and Moscow regions. Now every­where in Russia vibro-rolled panels are being widely used in construction.

The assembly method is developing into the main method of apartment and industrial construction. Prefabricated struc­tures are transported by lorry and are immediately hoisted into position.

Nowadays finished blocks of prefabricated flats with in­terior decoration are assembled on many construction sites. A lorry brings a complete flat to the prepared foundations of a building. A powerful gantry crane lifts the 18-20 ton flat and carefully sets it on the foundation. After a last in­spection electricians, plumbers and gas-men can begin their work.

Tower Cranes. Tower cranes are a comparatively recent innovation and have already proved their worth. They consist of a vertical mast structure mounted on a wheeled chassis, the mast being built up in sections to suit individual requirements and rotatable through 360°. The wheeled chassis is self-propelled on railway track and the whole base is suitably ballasted for stability.

The design of the jib varies, there being two main types: a fixed horizontal jib and a raisable jib.

One or more control cabins are located in the mast section and in one design the cabin may be moved up or down inside the mast like a lift to enable the operator to select the best inspection point. Tower cranes are electrically operated from an external power source and incorporate the usual safety devices. They are best suited to restricted sites where derrick cranes would be difficult to accommodate.

Investigation has shown that, if properly used, tower cranes will effect considerable savings in building costs by avoiding the necessity for double handling of materials and by enabling large pieces of structure to be prefabricated on the ground and then hoisted into position. To obtain full value of the machine, however, it is essential that the job be large enough and the work planned in advance to ensure that the crane is kept fully employed.

2. Переведите на русский язык следующие английские словосочетания:

1. to have all modern conve­niences; 6. gantry crane;

2. local raw materials; 7. wheeled chassis;

3. tyre works; 8. a fixed horizontal jib;

4. prefabricated reinforced con­crete; 9. a raisable jib;

5. vibro-rolled panels; 10. double handling of materials


3. Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний:

1. колесная ходовая часть; 6. подъемная стрела;

2. заводской железобетон; 7. вибропрокатные панели;

3. мачтовый кран; 8. козловой кран;

4. оформление интерьера; 9. местное сырье;

5. башенный кран; 10. осуществлять значительную экономию

4. Найдите в тексте слова, имеющие общий корень с данными словами. Определите, к какой части речи они относятся, и переведите их на русский язык:

1. raise 6. suitable

2. handle 7. fabricate

3. inspect 8. stable

4. electrical 9. product

5. horizon 10. full


5. Задайте к выделенному в тексте предложению все типы вопросов (общий, альтернативный, разделительный, специальный: а) к подлежащему, б) к второстепенному члену предложения).


6. Выполните анализ данных предложений, обратив внимание на следующие грамматические явления: формы и функции причастия, независимый причастный оборот, формы и функции герундия, герундиальный оборот, конверсия:

1. This requires the use of new building methods and new building materials. Some 30 industrial buildings have gone up.

2. Blocks of flats containing tens of millions of square metres of floor space are under construc­tion.

3. The design of the jib varies, there being two main types: a fixed horizontal jib and a raisable jib.

4. Investigation has shown that tower cranes will effect considerable savings in building costs by avoiding the necessity for double handling of materials and by enabling large pieces of structure to be prefabricated on the ground.

5. Builders always mind the work being planned to ensure that the crane is kept fully employed.

7. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

1. What does construction require?

2. What basis will a number of industries make further progress on?

3. Why is erection of building units simple?

4. What panels are being widely used in construction?

5. Where are finished blocks of prefabricated flats with in­terior decoration assembled?

6. What does a tower crane consist of?

7. What are two main types of the jib?

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