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Active Vocabulary

customs - обычаи

traditions - традции

reunion -воссоединение

to attend – посещать

church – церковь

a gift – подарок

to combine – объединять

celebration – празднование

neighbor - сосед

staff – штат

to exchange – обмениваться

a particular country – определенная страна

superstitions- суеверие

bad luck – неудача

to be proud of - гордиться

Make up 10 questions to the text.

Translate the following sentences into English.

Speak on your favourite holiday.


Read and translate the topic.

There are four seasons in the year. They are winter, spring, summer and autumn. All of them are nice and special for us. But they are different. So, everyone of us has its own favorite, the most loving season.

As for me, I prefer spring. March, April and May are my favorite months. I love these season for several reasons. On the one hand, I was born in spring. I`m waiting for the gifts and for the day when I`m giving the biggest party of the year for my friends. On the other hand, it is spring itself. Spring brings great changes with its coming. The weather is getting better and better, warmer and warmer. Our mood is getting better too. It seems that the nature awakes from the long sleep. It is really very impressive.

I like the other seasons too. I do like winter with its snow, with its frosty nights. I like the opportunity to skate and ski that winter gives us. I like New Year holiday and a nice Christmas tree. Summer is good too. Vacation on the seaside or in the mountains, sunshine and swimming. Autumn brings joy to me too. It gives us fruits and vegetables, the best colours you ever can find, Indian summer or Golden summer as we call the last days of the warmth and sunshine.

But nothing compares to spring. In winter time the nature is sleeping: no leaves, no birds and animals. It seems like everything and everybody are waiting for something. Summer seems dull because the air is hot and it is hard to breathe. Autumn is the time when nature is preparing for a long sleep, for the winter. So, spring is the time of joy. The nature awakes from a long sleep: birds are coming back from the South, the air is very fresh, first flowers and leaves appear and the sun is shining in the blue sky. Step by step everything became green and alive. It is not hot, and the weather is usually very nice and lovely. Spring holidays people try to celebrate out of the city, somewhere in the countryside. There they can enjoy the coming of the spring with more pleasure. It is not a surprise for me that spring is usually called the season of love or love time. This season is really bright and delightful.

Active Vocabulary:

season — время года

spring — весна

summer — лето

autumn — осень

winter — зима

month — месяц

cloudless — безоблачный

seaside — берег моря

bright — яркий

dark — темный

thankful — благодарен

pond — пруд

fog — туман

sleet — град с дождем

meadow — луг

thunder — гроза

lightning — молния

hail — град


Answer the questions.

1. How many seasons are there in the year?

2. What seasons do you like most of all?

3. What are the main differences between the seasons?

4. Why is spring my favorite season?

5. What season is the most suitable for holidays and vacations?

6. Do you like to spend your summer holidays at the seaside?

7. What do you do if you spend your holidays in the country?


Translate into English the following sentences:


1. Не чудесно ли побродить по деревенским тропинкам в морозный зимний день.

2. Лето – самое подходящее время для отпусков и каникул.

3. Воздух свеж и полон осеннего аромата спелых яблок, слив, персиков и, конечно, разноцветных астр и хризантем.

4. Когда человек взрослеет, он начинает замечать особенный шум моря.

5.Мне нравится загорать, становиться коричневым, плескаться в воде, или когда тебя забрызгивают волны.

Make up a dialogue on this topic.


Before reading the text think about the following questions:

  1. What place does shopping play in our life?
  2. What is your attitude to shopping?


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