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Task 4. Match the terms with their definitions.


artificial intelligence, b) a program, c) a markup language, d) systems programs, e) a pseudocode, f) an output, g) a systems analyst, h) a network system


1. A person who designs or modifies information systems to meet user’s requirements. 2. A set of instructions written in a computer language that control the behaviour of a computer. 3. The processed data or signals that come out of a computer system. 4. A system where a number of computers and peripheral devices are connected together. 5. A method of writing a description of a computer program using a mixture of natural languages and a computer language code. 6. Programs that are used to control the basic functions of a computer system. 7. Developing computer programs that perform tasks that can normally be done using human intelligence. 8. A set of tags that can be inserted into a document to indicate its layout and appearance.


Task 5. Mark the following as True or False.


1. Pilot implementation means that both systems run at the same time for a period. 2. Phased implementation is when parts of the system are converted separately. 3. Parallel implementation is when the new system is piloted in part of the company before extending it to the whole company. 4. Pascal is extremely difficult to use and is not suitable for learning how to program. 5. Fortran is designed for writing business programs. 6. Java and Perl have a number of specialized uses including adding features to internet connections and webpages.


Task 6. Complete the gaps using the verbs from the box.


collected, put, generated, will flow, will help, be directed, be implemented, touch, will use, will be used, were uncovered, include


Based on the data … (1), the systems analyst must … together an implementation plan. This plan should … a logical model of the proposed new system, with a representation how information …, through the new system from input, through processing, to output. The plan should … on every potential use of data throughout the organization. As with the reports … during the previous study stages, the report should be written in terms of the system’s user’s – in this case, in terms, of how users … the new system and how it …, them to carry out their jobs. The solutions report should … to management, to help them understand the need for the new system, the way the new system …, how it will help the entire organization and how it can … as a cost effective solution to the problems that ….


Task 7. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the use of the Infinitive.


1. Computer information systems may be designed to take care of just one operational area, but today’s more complex systems are more likely to be designed to integrate a variety of operational procedures. 2. New methods are developed to deal with the complex process of designing and maintaining computer systems. 3. A website designer wants to enable the data or his website to be easily processed by a number of different programs. 4. Each element of the system has a particular function and each unit must be designed to interact with the other elements of the system. 5. Although the complexity of the tasks to be performed and the number of the users to be served will help to determine the type of computer to be used, there may be a number of different hardware configurations that will meet the need. 6. When users of a system access the data for some useful purpose, they are accessing the data in order to learn from it or to add it to other types of data for decision making. 7. A computer information system must be seen as a system that is used to transform data into useful information. 8. If the information system is to be successful, it must be designed to provide information in a way that is usable and useful to all management personnel. 9. Using centralised system, computer communications will undoubtedly be used to transmit data electronically between locations. 10. To update or modify an existing system the same procedures can be used. 11. As the process of systems analyses and design has been formalised, a new kind of professionals, known as systems analysts has emerged with the special skill and knowledge required to deal with all aspects of systems development. 12. The systems analysts’ function is to design and implement system that facilitate the storage and processing of data, and methods for accessing that data.


Task 8. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Для разработки программы с использованием описанного выше спосо­ба мы представляем ее в виде алгоритма (последовательности инструк­ций), который определяет выполнение операций с некоторыми данными. 2. При создании современных программ часто применяется концепция, называемая объектно-ориентированным программированием или 00П. 3.В объектно-ориентированном программировании программа рассматри­вается как набор взаимодействующих объектов. 4. Эту методику проще всего понять на примере программы, моделирующей какой-нибудь процесс. 5. Так, в программе, моделирующей движение автомобилей по шоссе, объекты могут представлять автомобили и полосы шоссе. 6. Для каждого объекта создают алгоритмы, описывающие его поведение в разных ситуациях. 7. Суть объектно-ориентированного программирова­ния заключается в разработке объектов и используемых ими алгоритмов. 8. Основными характеристиками ООП являются инкапсуляция, наследо­вание и полиморфизм. 9. Инкапсуляциюобычно определяют как форму сокрытия информации или абстрагирования. 10. Это правильное, но малопонятное определение, поэтому проще сказать, что инкапсуляция - это способ упрощения определения объекта. 11. Наследованиеобеспечи­вает возможность написания многократно используемого программного кода. 12. Полиморфизмпозволяет связать с одним именем несколько значений в контексте наследования.


Task 9. Topics for discussion.


Dwell on the systems analysis.

Defining a computer system.

System hardware and software planning.

The role of the system analysis.

Strategies of converting to new computer systems.


Task 10. Read Text B and find the answers to the following questions.

1. What advantages of using object-oriented programming are mentioned in the text? 2. What are the three key features of OOP? 3. What multimedia data types are referred to in the text? 4. List the different types of triangles mentioned in the text. 5. What specific type of a rectangle is named in the text? 6. What features are made quicker by code reusability?

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