Man and Environment. Part 1
Human progress has reached the stage of intensive exploration of nuclear and solar energy, the World Ocean and Outer Space. It is evident now, however, that often man is adversely affecting the environment and his activity is sometimes fraught with fatal consequences. It is becoming clear that man cannot and must not use his tremendous power without taking into account possible negative effects of his economic activity. Current' ecological research shows, that man, when over concerned with technicism, far from turning deserts into oases, can turn oases into deserts, " threatening to destroy everything on earth, if he continues exerting mostly uncontrolled impact on the biosphere. Hence man should carefully study the impact of his activity on various components of the surrounding nature] It is not only possible but necessary to transform the wild nature environment, which often has a disastrous affect on man (earthquakes, typhoons, hurricanes, floods, droughts, magnetic and solar storms, as well as radioactivity, cosmic radiation, etc.) into a safe environment suitable for man and meeting his needs. This means that the ecological problem is not simply the problem of environmental pollution and other adverse effects of man \s activity, but the problem of turning man's uncontrolled impact on nature into a purposeful and planned interaction with the latter. Упражнение 1. Прочтите и переведите данные интернациональные слова:
Упражнение 2. Запомните произношение и перевод следующих слов:
Упражнение 3. Переведите следующие словосочетания:
Упражнение 4. Прочтите текст и назовите номер предложения каждого абзаца, который передаёт главную мысль этого абзаца. Переведите. Упражнение 5. Исходя из содержания текста и используя данные конструкции, ответьте навопросы: What is the essence of the ecological problem?
I. Устный опрос по теме: Составляющие лекарственных средств и жирных кислот. Текст стр. 8 “Constituents of drugs " (уч.пос " English for Pharmaceutists”)