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The architecture of ancient Egypt (to include) some of the most famous structures in the world: the Great Pyramids of Giza, Abu Simbel, and the temples at Thebes. All major building projects (to be organized) and (to be funded) by the state, and they not only (to fulfill) religious, military, and commemorative purposes, but also (to reinforce) the power and reputation of the pharaoh (to ensure) his legacy for all time. The ancient Egyptians (to be) skilled builders with expert knowledge of basic surveying and construction techniques. Using simple but effective measuring ropes and sighting instruments, architects (to can) (to build) large stone structures with accuracy and precision.

Most buildings in ancient Egypt, (to include) the pharaoh’s palace, (to be constructed) from perishable materials such as mudbricks and wood and, for this reason, (not to survive). Important structures such as temples and tombs (to be intended) (to last) forever and (to be constructed) of stone. The first large scale stone building in the world, the mortuary complex of Djoser, (to be built) in the Third Dynasty as a stone imitation of the mudbrick and wooden structures (to use) in daily life.


Karnak temple’s extremely stylish halls (to be constructed) with rows of thick columns (to support) the roof beams. The architectural elements (to use) in Djoser’s mortuary complex, (to include) post – and – lintel construction of huge stone roof blocks (to support) by external walls and closely spaced columns, would (to be copied) many times in Egyptian history. Decorative styles (to introduce) in the Old Kingdom, such as the lotus and papyrus motifs, (to be) a recurring themeinancient Egyptian architecture.

The earliest tomb architecture in ancient Egypt (to be) the mastaba, a flat-roofed rectangular structure of mudbrick or stone (to build) over an underground burial chamber. The mastaba (to be) the most popular tomb with the nobility in the Old Kingdom, and the first pyramid, the step pyramid of Djoser, (to be) actually a series of stone mastabas (to stack) on top of each other. The step pyramid (to be) itself the inspiration for the first true pyramids. Pyramids (to be built) by the pharaohs of the Old and Middle Kingdoms, but later rulers (to abandon) them in favor of less conspicuous rock-cut tombs. New Kingdom pharaohs (to build) their rock-cut tombs in the Valley of the Kings, and by the Third Intermediate Period, the pharaohs (to abandon) building grand tomb architecture altogether.

The earliest preserved ancient Egyptian temples, (to date) back to the Old Kingdom, (to consist) of single, enclosed halls with roof slabs (to support) by columns. The mortuary temples (to connect) to the pyramids at Giza (to be) examples of this early temple. During the Fifth Dynasty, pharaohs (to develop) the sun temple, the focus of which (to be) a squat, pyramid-shaped obelisk (to know) as a benben stone. (An earlier small pyramid was carved from a single block of stone, known as a bnbn (benben). This name comes from the root, bn, which means to “sell up” or “swell forth”. The benben also, because of the sun’s part in creation: in fact, the Egyptian word for the rising sun is wbn, which comes from the same root as benben.)

The benben stone and other temple structures (to be surrounded) by an outer wall and (to be connected) to the Nile by a causeway (to terminate) in a valley temple. In the New Kingdom, architects (to add) the pylon, the open courtyard, and the enclosed magnificent hall to the front of the temple’s sanctuary. As the common people (to be allowed) not past the entry pylon, the deity (to reside) in the inner sanctuary (to be distanced) from the outside world. This type of cult temple (to be used) as a standard until the Ptolemaic and Roman Periods.


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