Студопедия — Read the text. Of all the marvels of Ancient Egypt, the pyramids leave the most lasting and most vivid impression
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Read the text. Of all the marvels of Ancient Egypt, the pyramids leave the most lasting and most vivid impression


Of all the marvels of Ancient Egypt, the pyramids leave the most lasting and most vivid impression. They affect not only the intellect. They arouse deep and uncontrollable emotions for the аurа of greatness and mystery. People still seek divine interference, appeal to a certain process of mystification of the pyramids. Yet the pyramids were built by ordinary people, with all the technological limitations of the ancient world. What drove them to this achievement was a deep conviction that they were part of a very important project which would benefit not only the king, but the entire land.

The pointed top was the key element in a pyramid. It was polished or coated in gold so that early sun rays would be deflected from it to all directions. Thus, at dawn, when the surroundings were still in semi darkness, the tip of the pyramid would shine as if the sun-god himself had alighted to honour the monument.

The building of pyramids is connected with Imhotep - a semi-mythical figure, an architect - who is said to have built a step pyramid for King Zoser (the beginning of the Old Kingdom).


Structure of a mastaba

The pyramid developed from mastaba by adding units of decreasing size until it reached a height of some 200 feet (60 т) and formed a ziggurat without a temple on the top. Its purpose was to mark and to protect the underground tomb chamber 27 m below. Around the pyramid stood single-storey buildings and courtyards. Most extraordinary of all, in the underground chambers, there were false doors. In the courtyards there were “chapels” dedicated to each of the local gods, but the doors were false - only spirit could penetrate there.


The world-famous complex consisting of three stone pyramids and the Great Sphinx at Giza had rightly bеcomе one of the classical symbols of the Egyptian state. Khufu’s (Kheops) pyramid is the largest of the three. In classical antiquity it was considered as one of the Seven Wonders of the World.


The Great Pyramid at Giza was built mоrе than 4500 years ago and contains about 6.25 million blocks of stones.

Example of a mastaba

Task II.

Match the two columns.


1. Local gods a. полутьма
2. Lasting impression b. одноэтажные здания
3. Single-storey buildings c. технологическое ограничение
4. Classical antiquity d. полумифическая фигура
5. Divine interference e. глубокое чувство
6. Technological limitation f. сильное впечатление
7. Semi-mythical figure g. божественное вмешательство
8. Deep emotion h. античность
9. Semi-darkness i. местные божества



Task III.

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