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Comprehension Check. Exercise 1.Agree or disagree with the statements given below


Exercise 1. Agree or disagree with the statements given below. Check

your answers while re-reading the text.


1. The original inhabitants of North America were not civilized.

2. The Americans unlike the British have a written Constitution.

3. Civil war was directed against slavery.

4. American troops were a major force in World War I.

5. American economic growth declined in the 1970s.


Exercise 2. Complete these statements by choosing the answer which

you think fits best.


- The American Revolution of 1776 led to

a) the disruption of the country;

b) Civil war;

c) independence.

- After World War II the United States

a) lost economic prominence;

b) emerged as the strongest economic power;

c) was completely desabled economically.

- American troops were involved in World War I

a) from the very beginning;

b) in its last year;

c) in the middle of it.

- American prominence declined in the 1970s because of

a) the US participation in the war against Iraq;

b) economic recession;

c) the US defeat in the Vietman War.


Exercise 3. Choose the answer that best matches the meaning

of the underlined word


1. Because of its size and location the US has many different climates

a) disposition b) presence

2. His story will be incomplete without these details.

a) unfinished b) inaccurate

3. The natives were displaced by European settlers.

a) turned b) removed

4. Pioneers moved west and settled large areas of land.

a) adjusted b) inhabited

5. The US has always assisted developing countries.

a) helped b) promoted

6. This scientist is known throughout the world.

a) in b) all over

7. He has participated in many important events and can tell you much about his experience.

a) played a part b) taken part

8. You are my real guardian. I know I can rely on you in any situation.

a) protector b) supervisor


Exercise 4. Decsribe Russia using the patterns from the text.


Oral Practice

Inviting. Eating out.



Questions Replies

1. What are you doing tonight? 1. - Nothing in particular.

- I’m having dinner with Ben.

- Sorry, I’m busy tonight. I am

playing tennis with Jill.

2. Would you like to go out for a 2. - Sorry, another time. I have a

meal with me tonight? previous engagement.

(Come and have dinner?) - Yes, that would be nice, I’d love to.

- How kind of you. Thank you.


3. What would you like? 3. - I’d like prawn cocktail (to start with)

and steak and kidney pudding for the

main course.

4. Would you like a drink? 4. - Just a tonic (mineral water, orange juice)

- A half of bitter (lager, Guinness)

- A glass of red/white wine.

- A vodka (double whisky on the rocks,

a gin and tonic.

5. Could you provide a vegetarian 5. - I’ll see what I can do for you.

dish for me?

6. May I have the bill? 6. - Here you are.

Can I have the wine-list?

7. How much do I owe you for the 7. - Never mind, it’s on me.


8. Shall we share? 8. - Never mind, I pay.

The Pier Restaurant


StartersFishes. Seafood

Baked stuffed mushrooms Baked and stuffed shrimp

Norwegian herring Fresh filet of sole

Fried squid Fresh caught fish of the day

Shrimp cocktail Cod scallops

SteaksThe Pier’s Special

Roast Prime rib of beef Cornish Pastry

Baby calves liver Shepherd’s pie

Prime Sirloin Steak

Exercise 1. Learn the dialogues by heart and make dialogues of your own

using the patterns



Ben: What are you doing tonight, Kate?

Kate: Nothing in particular

Ben: Come and have dinner with me tonight?

Kate: How kind of you, thank you.



Ben: Have you got a table for two?

Waiter: Yes, sir. This way, please. Here you are.

Ben: Can we have the menu and wine-list, please?

Waiter: Yes, certainly. Here you are. Are you ready to order?

Ben: I think so. What would you like for starters, Kate?

Kate: Baked stuffed mushrooms.

Ben: Two baked stuffed mushrooms, please.

Waiter: And for the main course?

Ben: Fresh caught fish of the day, please.



Kate: Cornish pasty, what is it, Ben?

Ben: It’s meat and vegetables in thin pastry. Very delicious, I can say.

I like the way they cook it here.


Exercise 2. You are giving a party. Discuss with your mother what you

will have for dinner. Make the shopping list.


Exercise 3. You are in the Pier’s Restaurant. Make dialogues between

customers and a waiter, using the menu and the patterns.

Unit 3

Text 1

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