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Comprehension Check. Exercise 1.Complete the statements given below by choosing

Exercise 1. Complete the statements given below by choosing

the right variant.


1. The origin of April Fools’ Day still remains...

a) in the dark b) obscure c) very clear

2. A large number of dog owners received an official letter...

a) on March 30 of the year in question b) on March 31, 1899

c) on March 31 of the year in question

3. According to this letter all dogs of the town had to be...

a) brought to the nearest veterinary b) vaccinated

c)taken out of the town

4. By ten o’clock on the day appointed...

a) nobody had come to the Town Hall

b) everybody had stayed at home because they didn’t believe the letter

c) hundreds of citizens had brought their pets to the Town Hall

5. The practical joke played by BBC Television brought to...

a) many calls from viewers who wanted to buy spaghetti bushes

b) a big scandal c) much laughter from viewers


Exercise 2. Choose phrasal verbs given below to complete the sentences.


take measures against; go on; make of; send out; be over;

dawn upon; take smth in good part; play a hoax on; make with.


1. You should... the epidemic of flu.

2. I don’t know what... your statement.

3. At last it... him that it was a practical joke.

4. The lesson..., you may go home.

5. The secretary was asked... letters of invitation.

6. On April 1, 1957 BBC Television... viewers but many of them didn’t believe what they had seen and... the programme.

7. This cake... flour, butter, eggs and sugar.


Exercise 3. Look through the text and find the synonyms to the

following words.

1. merry 2. undertake 3. many 4. frontier

5. illness 6. finish 7. invite 8. good laugh

9. gather 10. be sure

Exercise 4. Translate the following proverbs and idioms into

Russian. Describe the situations when you can use them.


a) It would make even a cat laugh.

b) Many a true word is spoken in jest.

c) Every man has a fool in his sleeve.

d) To cap someone’s joke.

e) To laugh up one’s sleeve.


Exercise 5. What is a practical joke? Speak about a practical joke

you played on your friends or they played on you.


Oral Practice

Describing Objects and Their Uses.


Materials and patterns

Questions Replies

1. What is it like? 1. It is... with...

2. What is it made of? 2. It’s made of...

3. What is it used for? 3. It’s used for (+Gerund)

4. How long (wide, thick) is it? 4. It’s 50 cm long (wide, thick)

5. Can I have a thing for...? 5. Oh, you mean... Yes, of course.


Materials: (it is made of...)

plastic, metal, gold, silver, copper, leather, silk, cotton, wool, nylon, china (porcelain), velvet, cord.

Shapes: (it is...)

round, pointed, oval, cylindrical, square, triangular, rectangular, elliptical, spherical, long, short, wide, narrow, thin, thick, curved.

Colours: red, blue, white, green, grey, black, brown, orange, yellow, purple, greenish, light/pale blue, dark/deep brown.


Other describing characteristics:

This river is 3, 5 miles long.

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