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Comprehension Check. Exercise 1.Agree or disagree with the following statements:

Exercise 1. Agree or disagree with the following statements:


1. The College is part of the University of London.

2. Imperial College has strong links with industry.

3. Industry doesn’t provide the College with financial support.

4. Imperial College doesn’t provide study programmes for applied sciences.

5. The humanities do not play an important part in the College curriculum.

6. Visiting professors from industry establishments often give lectures at Imperial College.


Exercise 2. Which of the two answers best matches the meaning of the

underlined word in the following sentences?


1.Imperial College is located in London.

a) existed b) situated

2. It gives instruction in the field of natural sciences.

a) education b) knowledge

3. Training of highly-qualified specialists is very important for national industry.

a) schooling b) preparation

4. Newton computed the weights of the planets.

a) measured b) calculated

5. There is a wide range of various clubs at Imperial College.

a) number b) scope

6. The stars are too numerous to be counted.

a) large b) abundant

7. This college is famous for the most advanced training.

a) progressive b) proceeded

8. Diamonds are expensive partly because they are so rare.

a) abundant b) scarce


Exercise 3. Here are the names of some faculties of Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys.

Make a topic about your college or institute, using this material. There is more additional material in Appendix:

Faculty of Non-ferrous and Precious Metals:

Some specialities: non-ferrous metals metallurgy; metal engineering and thermal treatment of metals; composite and powder materials; automation of technological processes and productions.

Faculty of Metallurgy Technologies, Mineral Resources Saving and Ecology:

Some specialities: metallurgy of ferrous metals; cast production of ferrous and non-ferrous metals; standartization and certification in metallurgy;

Faculty of Technology:

Some specialities: metallurgical equipment; press treatment of metals

Faculty of Semiconducting Materials and Devices:

Some specialities: material engineering and new materials technology; materials and components of solid state electronics; microelectronics and semiconducting devices.


Exercise 4. Arrange the jumbled text given below.


Evening Classes


1. The classes may be organized by the local education authority or by the Workers’ Educational Association, and in them people find an agreeable social life as well as the means for pursuing their own hobbies more satisfactorily. All this, together with the popularity of amateur dramatics, can provide some comfort for those who fear that modern mass entertainment is producing a passive society.

2. The session for evening classes is normally from late September to the end of June (in some cases Easter), and when a definite course of study is being undertaken, it is most important that students should join the class at the beginning of the sessions in order to obtain full benefit from the course.

3. Apart from the organized classes mention must also be made of the privately arranged groups of people who join together for the pursuit of their hobbies.

4. Evening classes, each meeting usually once a week, are flourishing immensely, and not only those which prepare people for examinations leading to professional qualifications. Many people attend classes connected with their hobbies, such as photography, painting, folk-dancing, dog training, cake decoration, archaeology, local history, car maintenance and other subjects, some of them no less surprising than some of these.

5. Evening classes reopen every autumn for those who want to advance their career, to study for an examination, to follow up some special interest or to get more enjoyment out of their leisure hours. Men and women, old and young, professional and amateurs - all are catered for.


Oral Practice

Describing Feelings. Expressing Feelings. Character



1. Describing feelings.

He is sad frightened sorry

She looks angry bored proud

feels puzzled excited worried

happy annoyed


2. Expressing feelings.

a) Congratulations and wishes

Congratulations! Поздравляю!

Many happy returns (of the day) Поздравляю с днем рождения

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