Студопедия — What to See in the UK?
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What to See in the UK?


There arc a lot of interesting places in Great Britain, which are worth visiting. One of the most famous and mysterious archaeological sites of Great Britain is Stonehenge. The huge stones of Stonehenge were transported from Wales and set up in a circle on Salisbury Plain. One of the mysteries is how it was even built with the technology of that time. Another is its purpose. appears to function as a kind of astronomical clock and we know it was used by the Druids for ceremonies marking the passing of the seasons. Nowadays every year thousands of young people go to Stonehenge to take part in the midsummer Druid festival, but] only a small number of people are allowed near the circle of stones. Stonehenge is fenced off to protect it from damage.

Another mysterious place is Loch Ness, one of the lakes in Scotland, where some people think a large monster lives. The first recorded sighting of Nessie was in the sixth century. But despite scientific expeditions, underwater exploration and millions to tourist photographs, the monster has resisted all attempts to prove — or disprove — her existence. The monster has made Loch Ness the most famous lake in the world. Others are longer, wider and deeper, few are more beautiful, but none has monster to rival Nessie.

The Lake District is the largest National Park in England. It is situated on the northwest side of the Pennine system and contains plenty of beautiful lakes which gave it its name. More picturesque and diverse scenery can be found here than in any other area of Britain. For the lover of outdoor life the Lake District has almost everything. Make your own memories, on foot if you can, when the June days are long, the clouds are high and the hills are free. Perhaps then you may say that the Lake District is the loveliest spot that man has ever found.


Britain is known to be the garden kingdom. There are a lot of extraordinary gardens and parks. Britain's first Safari Park in Longleat is famous for its exotic animals and the world's largest Maze. The Maze was planted in 1975. It consists of over 1, 5 miles pathways flanked by yew hedges.



1. Do you know any mysterious places in Great Britain? 2. Would you like to visit them? Why?

3. Are there any mysterious places in Russia?

4. What was Stonehenge used for? 5. Do people believe that a huge monster lives in Loch Ness? What about you? 6. What is the most famous National Park in Great Britain? 7. Why is the Lake District considered to be the loveliest spot in Great Britain? 8. When is the best time to visit the Lake District? 9. Why is Britain said to be the garden kingdom? 10. What is Longleat Safari Park famous for?



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