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The President Reaches the Compromise with Governors

Moscow News

In Samara, the President and regional leaders discussed a number of sensitive issues.

The President was apparently going to take up some of the most acute prob­lems. But whereas the most painful subject for the governors was their partici­pation in the work of the federal executive, for the president it was contradic­tion between federal and regional laws. Prosecutors have scrutinized all local laws, pinpointing 465 unlawful acts. After a series of urgent requests, the local authorities amended just fifty. But what about the others? The President ex­pressed his discontent to the governors, in a rather uncompromising tone. Pu­tin used a very simple managerial rule: to end a conversation on a constractive note. Such a constractive note for the regional leaders is their role in the State Council.

According to Samara governor, there is nothing wrong with the Kremlin's demand that local laws be brought in line with federal legislation. Governors can discuss these matters with the President's envoy or with the prosecutor, moreover, they can maintain their position in an open court, including the Con­stitutional Court, so there is nothing to worry about.

Shortly prior to the meeting, rumor had it that the President would offer the governors some sort of compensation — for loss of immunity from prosecution, forfeiture of their law making powers, and other perceived offenses. They said that the President would pledge to push through the Duma a law lifting limita­tions on the number of terms that a leader can be elected for. What did he offer was something else: " That the governors who have completed two terms in office continue to work at the State Council."

Still, even they have cause for optimism. Later on the President got yet an­other opportunity to demonstrate his good will by agreeing to drop the phrase " under the President" from the official name of the State Council.

Nonetheless, the President retained the right to rotate members of the State Council Presidium. He himself will decide who should replace whom, taking into account recommendations from his regional representatives.

It is not known yet whether all participants in the Volga meeting were just as happy. One thing is clear, though: The Kremlin realizes that peremptory com­mands can only prompt regional leaders to quietly subvert its decisions.


Ex. 18. Make a list of key words to be remembered and compare your
list with the partner's.


Ex. 19. Find the English equivalents to the following words:

полномочный представитель, публичное обещание, править (держать в руках), неохотный, безапелляционный, ниспровергать, сохранять


Ex. 20. Answer the 10 " What" -questions.

1) What kind of compromise with the governors was necessary?

2) What was the most painful subject for the governors?

3) What was the most painful subject for the president?

4) What does the figure 465 illustrate?

5) What is the proposed way to discuss local matters?

6) What had been done to bring local laws in line with federal legislation?

7) What sort of compensation for the governors was rumored to be offered by the President?



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