Survey (surveying) surveyor(s) surveyed
6)1. In recent years combined geophysical... by air has been used on a wide scale. 2. In modern... automation is being used in recording the field measurements. Unit 7_____________________________________________ 171 3. Now the... need only to set up the instrument in the field 4. Laser is being used by mine... now. 5. Underground working can be... by modern methods. Store stored storing в) Earth is not entirely without energy resources of its own. There is a large amount of heat energy... in its molten interior. There is also both kinetic and potential energy... in the Earth-Moon-Sun system. In addition, a relatively small amount of solar energy has been... in the carbon atoms of the fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas). A potentially much larger energy reserve is... in the nuclei of the very light and the very heavy elements. Wind, ocean currents and the evaporation of water only temporarily... energy. It is known that there are different methods of... energy.... tidal energy has not provided much to the total energy supply yet. Переведете предложения, обрати внмише и ввфнпгн я) в функция определения: 1. The geological investigations to be carried out include field 2. The geological and physical conditions of the seam to be 3. The possibility of making direct observations in workings de 4. The work of geologists at mines has its own specific character 5. The main points to be observed during the driving of openings 6) в функции обстоятельств* цели: 1. То estimate a nickel ore the geologists must know how the 2. Geochemical methods are applied at different stages of geo 3. To explore certain types of deposits geophysical methods have 172_________________________________________ Unit 7 14. Найдите в тексте А предложения, в которых употребляется 15. Переведите предложения, используя следующие слова и сочетания слов: And; the search for new mineral deposits; ground and aerial methods of prospect-Ing; to be recognized easily; to depend on the type of the deposit; to be widely used; natural conditions; to crop out 1. Одной из главных задач геологической разведки является 2. В настоящее время используются как наземные методы 3. Выбор метода разработки зависит от типа месторождения, 4. Так как месторождение выходит на поверхность, оно 5. Сейчас широко применяется разведка с самолета или 16. Выразите несогласие и подтвердите свою точку зрения фактами из It seems to be wrong; on the contrary; to my mind; In my opinion; as far as I know; as Is known; I'd like to say that 1. Prospecting and proving (exploration) do not differ at all. 2. The knowledge of the type of ground of the prospecting area is 3. Coal seams are always found in crystalline (igneous) rocks 4. At present great consideration is given to surface (ground) and
17. Суммируйте содержание текста А, используя активную лексику 18. Продолжите диалог. Используйте активную лексику урока, а также A.: What method of prospecting do you think to be the most effective? В.: I suppose... because... but I think not only this method... A.: I agree with you, but it is necessary to say that... В.: I see. And what's your opinion on... A.:...... В.:...... Unit 7 173 ГРАММАТИКА