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III. Discuss the following questions in class

1. What are the most popular places for eating out nowadays?

2. Do people give a small tip to the waiters?

3. Where can people have a quick lunch?

4. Does any country specialize in certain dishes? Give an example.

5. What is “Swedish Board”? In which countries is it popular?

Lexical exercises

Active vocabulary

I. What do we call places where people go to eat? Match the words in the left column with the definitions in the right column.

1. Snack bar a) originally a British public house licensed to serve beer and other alcoholic beverages. Customers get their drinks from the counter and either stand there or sit at the tables. Some light snacks like pies and sandwiches are served.
2.Café /cafeteria b) a counter where food and drink may be bought and eaten (e.g. in a railway station on a train.
3. Pizzeria c) small restaurant mainly concentrating on cakes, sandwiches, coffee and tea. Choice of food is often very limited.
4. Refectory d) a place where guests normally come fairly late and stay until the small hours always with dancing and often also with floor shows. Food is some times available.
5. Buffet e) a place where students or workers have their lunch, usually connected with a school, office or factory.
6. Night club f) a nice place where meals are served to customers.
7. Canteen g) a modest restaurant where customers collect their food on trays at counters and carry it to tables.
8. Pub h) a restaurant specializing in pizzas, and other Italian­-type food.
9. Restaurant i) a university cafe

II. What types of restaurant would you recommend to the following people?

1. A young couple who want food and some entertainment late at night.

2. A man who wants a meal in a place where he can meet some local people.

3. Someone wanting a quick, cheap meal.

4. Someone at a railway station.

5. Someone who wants non-English food.

6. A student staying at the university all day.

7. A factory worker at lunch-time.

8. A family who wants to celebrate some special occasion.

III. What is the opposite? Use these adjectives:

mild cold well-done alcoholic sparkling light dry stale

1) a heavy meal…………..….

2) fresh bread……………..…

3) spicy food……………..….

4) still water…………………

5) sweet wine………………..

6) hot soup……………….….

7) a soft drink…………..……

8) rare steak……………...…..

IV. Use these verbs to complete the gaps in these sentences:

book order bring recommend follow eat have prefer start ask suit take

1. Do we have to…………a table or can we just turn up?

2. I’ve ordered a table for 6 o’clock. Does that……...you?

3. Would you like something to drink or shall we…….straightaway?

4. Can I…….the strawberry cake? It’s one of the chef’s specialities.

5. I think I’ll have the cabbage salad to…..and the salmon to……….

6. Which do you…..– red or white?

7. I’m a vegetarian. I don’t…………meat or fish.

8. No dessert for me, thanks. I’ll just………coffee.

9. Would you like anything else or shall I…….for the bill?

10. Could you……..up the bill, please? Do you…….Visa?

V. Use these verbs to complete the following:

love take get eat try have find fancy

1. I’ll……….a mineral water, please. 5. I……….there fairly often.

2. I………….curry to spicy. 6. I………..Mediterranean food.

3. Do you………something to eat? 7. Can I…….you something to drink?

4. Let’s……..the Taj Mahal for a change. 8. How long will it……………?

Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 1223. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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