I. Read the text once again and find in the text the English equivalents of the following Russian words. Make up your own sentences with these words
этикет, умение вести себя за столом, разделить трапезу, незначительная ошибка, столовые приборы, положить руки на колени, запрет, участник (конференции, семинара), встреча/прием, местная кухня, праздничная атмосфера, притворяться/подражать, креветки, морепродукты, приключение/риск, деликатес, укреплять взаимоотношения. II. Which of the following topics does the text discuss? a) culture and cuisine b) dining etiquette c) appropriate behavior d) food taboos e) international relationships f) table manners III. What are your personal reactions to the text? I totally agree that…………………………………. I think the point about……………..is probably true. I don’t agree with the point about……………..at all. I already knew………., but I didn’t realize………… I’m not sure I can believe………………………….. What shocks me most is…………………………… IV. Find the words and expressions in the article which mean: 1) a style of cooking; food cooked in a certain style 2) the flat area between the stomach and knees of a person when he is sitting 3) a small american animal similar to a squirrel but with black and white makings along its back. 4) type of a small deer 5) the character and atmosphere of a peace 6) to establish smth.firmly; to join things together Lexical exercises
I. Look at the picture and tell the class how one should lay the table for two. Say where one puts: a soup plate, a dinner plate, a bread plate, a knife, a fork, a table spoon, a napkin, salt, pepper, mustard, a wine glass. II. Read the list of Table Don'ts. 1. Elbows are never put on the table while one is eating. 2. Don’t lift your plate up to your mouth. 3. Don’t lean back and announce, “I'm through”. The fact that you have put your fork and knife together on the plate shows that you have finished. 4. Don’t wait until all plates are served; after a few guests have been served, it is perfectly all right to start eating. 5. Don’t let others see what you have in your mouth. 6. Don’t make a noise when eating. 7. Put the food in your mouth with your fork, never with your knife. III. Look at the pictures and say which Table Don'ts are not observed.