Студопедия — V. Use the words in the box below to complete the conversation
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V. Use the words in the box below to complete the conversation

hold can could here put just hang calling can in

Michelle: Hello, you've reached the marketing department. How 1. __________ I help?

Male: Yes, can I speak to Rosalind Wilson, please?

Michelle: Who’s 2. ________please?

Male: It’s Richard Davies 3. ______.

Michelle: Certainly. Please 4. ________ and I’ll 5. ________you through.

Male: Thank you.

Michelle: Hello, marketing. How 6. ________I help?

Male: 7. __________I speak to Jason Roberts please?

Michelle: Certainly. Who shall I say is calling?

Male: My name’s Mike Andrews.

Michelle: 8. ________ a second - I’ll see if he’s 9. ________. Hello, Jason, I’ve got

Mike Andrews on the phone for you... OK - I’ll put him through.

10. _______________ on a moment, I’m just putting you through.

VI. Fill in the blanks using the following words:

after, call back, calling, hold the line, in, moment, reach, see, appointment, confirm, problems, pager, troubled, available.

1. Hello, who’s that___?

2. Just a ______, please.

3. I’ll ____ if he is here.

4. I’ll get information you want; _______, please.

5. You asked me to___ when I was in town again.

6. Sorry, he is not______________ at the moment.

7. You can__him any evening_______six o’clock.

8. Sorry to have___you.

9. He isn’t in the office at the moment. But I can try to find him on the______

10. I haven’t got the new number. Shall I call___________________inquiries?

11. Now I can ______ the arrangement we made.

12. There have been some_________ lately, but I think we’ll soon solve them.

13. Can we make another __________ for the next week, then?


I. Scan the text and find out why a father doesn’t want to buy a mobile phone for his twelve-year-old son. Why do you think he does not want his son to have a phone? Discuss with a partner.

The “latest thing”

Every five minutes my children ask me for the “latest thing”. They tell me that all their friends have it already and they can’t live without it. Our house is full of Game Boys, Play Station CDs and million other “latest things”.

But, the one “latest thing” we have refused to buy is a mobile phone. Our twelve-year-old wants one, and we’ve said “no”. He says he’ll only use it for texting and he really needs it for emergencies.

We don’t want him to have a mobile phone, because they may be bad for children health. Unfortunately, when I say, “I don’t want you to have a mobile phone, because you might get a brain tumour”, he tell me that he doesn’t mind.

Why do twelve-year-old boys only want things that are bad for them? We’ve already told him that he can’t listen to Rap music-the words are disgusting. And I’ve said not to beer with his meals. Right now, I’m saying no to everything.

Then a few weeks ago he asked for something called a BB gun. He says everybody’s got one. Of course they have. He shows me a website full of them and tells me it only fires plastic pellets. Finally, I say yes. I can’t believe I’ve said no to phones and yes to guns.

In October our son becomes a teenager, and I pray that research will find that mobile phones are safe– even better, that they make young people less moody-and more interested in personal hygiene. Until then, I’m saying no.

Daily Mail

Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 597. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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