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Part I. Newspaper Layout and Sections

Newspapers have a rich tradition of how to attract readership and to optimize the effectiveness in presenting information. Placement of articles on pages – the configuration of the news items – is one of the key activities in newspaper production. The way in which printed material is arranged in a newspaper is its layout. Though each newspaper has its own layout rules, there are certain features in common.

There would be a masthead, a lead story, several smaller stories, a large picture, some features running across the top, and perhaps an ad near the bottom.

The size of a broadsheet newspaper makes it possible to display huge amounts of information. By scanning the front page, the reader can get an overview of the most important issues in a matter of seconds. Some tabloid newspapers use the front page to advertise for articles on inside pages or carry only one article on the front page.

The front page is the most distinct feature of the newspaper. It was invented 300 years ago, and has changed little since then. The upper part of the front page is covered by the nameplate, also called the flag or masthead. It carries the newspaper's name. Traditionally, the nameplate is positioned at the top of the page, centered, and often set in an old font type that reflects the dignity of the newspaper.

To the right or to the left of the nameplate there is usually a search box or index. It promotes other stories inside the paper by pointing out the pages on which this or that article can be found. The index may also be placed at the bottom of the front page.

Underneath the nameplate there is a folio line that indicates the date of the issue and its price.

Obvious elements of the newspaper, photos, are excellent entry points for the reader. As such they compliment the story, drawing the reader's attention. A line giving the photographer's name, often adding the paper service he or she works for, is a photo byline, also called photo credit. Information about a photo is given in a cutline, also called a photo caption. Rarely longer than two sentences, cutlines usually answer as well as possible the who? what? where? when? why? how? questions of the photo.

The title of the story or summary, in large type above the story is its headline. The purpose of the headline is to attract attention. The area below the nameplate is dominated by the headlines of the most important stories. Most newspaper headlines occupy one or two lines – sometimes three or four. A headline which is bigger than others is called the banner.

A smaller headline below the main headline is called a subhead; it is often used to further explain the headline. The subhead under the main headline is a deck head, above the headline – a kicker. The writer's name is indicated in a byline.

The text of the article itself is printed under the headline. Since newspapers put more articles on the front page than there is room for, only the first part of the article is printed. To read the last part, the reader must jump to an inside page. This kind of article is a run-over article. The line telling the reader the page on which this story continues is called a jump line.

The articles are laid out in columns of fixed width. This makes line lengths shorter than, for example, in books. Due to this kind of arrangement the text is easier to follow for the human eye.

While the front page contains articles from several categories, inside pages are more specialized. The main categories have their own sections, such as News, Politics, Business, Sport and Art. There are also such sections as Opinion, Editorial or Comment, and Letters to the Editor. The choice of sections can vary in different newspapers. A lot of space in newspapers is given to advertisements.

Дата добавления: 2014-11-12; просмотров: 525. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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