Студопедия — Ex. 9. Read the sentences, replacing the Russian words with their English equivalents. Use all the synonyms you know
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Ex. 9. Read the sentences, replacing the Russian words with their English equivalents. Use all the synonyms you know

1. The использование of aluminum as the construction material for rail car building значительно уменьшать their weight.

2. When did she возвращаться home from the поездка?

3. All new Russian locomotives undergo испытания on a special 6-km railway track at Shcherbinka.

4. He was unable to come to the ceremony, but he sent his son to получать награду in his place.

5. They achieved their цель of increasing доходы by five percent.

6. The торжественное открытие of the high-speed Tō kaidō line, serving industrial centers on the east coast of the главный Japanese island of Honshū took place in 1965.

7. Railways are used for both short and long поездка, for commuting to work each day, and for transporting грузы.

8. Сначала, coal gas was used as fuel for diesel engines.

9. The use of multi-cylinder engines значительно increased the speed of cars.

10. A round-trip ticket is a ticket that allows you to go somewhere and to вернуться to where you started.


Ex. 10. (A) From the box given below choose the words and phrases, which are similar in meaning to:

заявлять, междугородная пассажирская железная дорога, конкурировать, дым, магистраль (основная линия), участник соревнований (конкурент), проводить соревнование, конкуренция, стационарный двигатель, двухпутный, сырьевой материал (сырьё), готовые изделия.


to compete stationary engine double-track mainline competitor smoke to hold a competition to declare raw material inter-city passenger railway finished goods competition


(B) Read the sentences and translate them into Russian.

1. The Moscow Metro can compete with the underground railways in any of the European capitals in level of automation.

2. In 1763, James Watt designed the stationary steam engine and George Stephenson was one of the first who put a steam engine on wheels.

3. We have had problems with the supply of raw materials to the factory.

4. To win in the competition with air transport, the efficiency and quality of freight and passenger services must be improved.

5. Cuba has many railroads for its size, including regular intercity passenger and freight lines as well as industrial railways and seasonal lines used for sugarcane (сахарный тростник) production.

6. In the early days, the Metro trains were driven by steam locomotives, which burnt coal, filling the tunnels with smoke. It is said that the train staff and porters asked for a permission to grow beards and moustaches – as an early form of smoke mask.

7. Double-track railways are more convenient than single-track lines because the train doesn’t have to wait for the oncoming (встречный) train to pass.

8. Expenditure on the project is divided as follows: wages $10m, plant $4m, raw materials $5m.

9. Today intercity passenger railroads unite many Massachusetts cities, as well as provide connections to major urban centers in other states.

10. One of the fastest and most practical ways of carrying finished goods from door to door is a container.

11. The so-called Rainhills Trials was an extraordinary locomotive competition held in October 1829 in Rainhill (England). The aim of this competition was to choose the best steam engine for the nearly completed Liverpool and Manchester Railway.

12. On November 17, 1897, during the inauguration of the Moscow and Yaroslavl mainline, a large section of the track sank in bog (болото). After this accident the railway was closed for several months so that soil could be stabilized.

13. The locomotive-building company Talgo has declared that it will be able to build new 300 km/h electric trains.


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