Тема: Гострі гнійно-запальні захворювання м’яких тканин: абсцес, флегмона, фурункул
Well, this is a topic that is close to my heart. My family and friends are always worrying about me because more and more of my life exists online. They keep telling me I should get out more. They say I need a life, I tell them I HAVE a life, it's just different from theirs! What do they have that I don't? Let's explore that question. They have lots of visitors to their homes. But fewer than I do. Every time I write an article for my website, I'm talking to thousands of people.(The difference is, I don't have to clean my house after my visitors have left!) They have relationships that require a lot of time and effort. Not me I have many more friends than they do, but mine don't interrupt me when I'm talking. Mine don't care what I look like. Mine don't judge me by anything other than how I treat them. And mine don't fall out with me if I'm late. They have obligations that keep them running in circles... this appointment, that date, this arrangement, that party. Not me I just sit at my computer with a hot cup of coffee and relax. I agree that we all need some kind of human interaction and we can't do all our communicating through a keyboard. I have a job that requires that I get out of the house and interact in the 'real’ world. But is this the most fulfilling part of my life? Not at all. Most of my most fulfilling experiences recently have been with people known through the internet. For example, I work regularly with a team of computer experts who write articles for this website. I've never even seen most of these people, but they feel like true friends to me: friends that live all over the world, fiends that I wouldn't know if it weren't for the Internet. True, I would love to meet them in real life. But, even if I don't, these people remain very real and dear to me. Because I really KNOW them. I certainly know them better than the guy who lives next door to me and with whom I have nothing in common. So, my answer to the question 'Are Internet relationships real?' is a resounding YES. YES. YES And don't let your families and 'real' friends convince you differently just because you can't see someone, doesn't mean you can't care about them. The Internet allows you the opportunity to know someone for who they are and not for how they look or how they dress, in some ways, the people you know on the Internet are more real than the ones you pass on the street. by Linda Johnson
Модуль 2 Змістовий модуль 1 Практичне заняття №21 Тема: Гострі гнійно-запальні захворювання м’яких тканин: абсцес, флегмона, фурункул Теоретичні питання для позааудиторного самостійного вивчення та обговорення до практичного заняття №21. 1. Загальні етіологічні та патогенетичні механізми розвитку місцевих хірургічних інфекційних захворювань. 2. Визначення понять окремих місцевих хірургічних інфекційних захворювань. 3. Загальна та місцева симптоматика гострих хірургічних інфекційних захворювань м’яких тканин.
5. Покази до оперативного лікування місцевих гнійних захворювань і його основні принципи