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Иммиграционная карта при въезде

  16 November, 2012
11.00 EU Info-Day ‘Migration and Integration of Migrants in Europe and Russia: What Can be Learned by Russia in Europe?” Place: ‘Green Lamp’ Press Club, Bankovsky per. 3 Working languages: Russian / English (with translation) - Prof. Michael Keith, Director of the ESRC Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS), University of Oxford (UK) - Prof. Natalya Kosmarskaya, Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences - Prof. Olga Vendina, Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences - Dr. Oleg Korneev, European University Institute, Italy - Olga Brednikova, Centre for Independent Social Research, St. Petersburg - NN, EU Delegation to Russia - NN, Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation - NN, St. Petersburg City Administration - Dr. Maria Nozhenko, European University at St. Petersburg, Russia
  Place: European University at St. Petersburg, ul. Gagarinskaya 3, Conference Hall Working languages: Russian and English (simultaneous translation)
10.00-14.00 Thematic excursions in St. Petersburg (led by urban sociologists, artists, local historians)
14.00-14.15 Opening of the Practically-oriented Part of the Conference. Greetings from Prof. Oleg Kharkhordin(EUSP), Dr. Maria Nozhenko (CES-EUC, EUSP), Dr. Elena Belokurova (CGES)
14.15-16.00 Round Table ‘Migration Regulation in the EU-Russian Cooperation' Moderator: Maria Nozhenko Participants: - NN, EU Delegation to Russia - NN, Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation - Consul General of Finland in St. Petersburg - Consul General of Germany in St. Petersburg - Dr. Oleg Korneev, European University Institute - Daria Bobrovskaya, No-visa.info project
16.00-16.30 Coffee break
16.30-18.30 Round Table ‘Integration of Migrants in St. Petersburg: Practice and Ideas of the Application of European Experiences’ Moderator: NN Participants: - St. Petersburg City Administration - St. Petersburg Branch of the Federal Migration Service - Natalia Zaibert, St. Petersburg Branch of the “Red Cross” - Dr. Raisa Akifjeva, St. Petersburg Branch of the Higher School of Economics - Federal Migration Authority of the Federal Republic Germany - House of Nationalities, St. Petersburg - Tatjana Egorova, volunteering courses of Russian language with the migrants’ children in St. Petersburg - experts from other EU countries
18.30-19.00 Opening of an Exhibition
19.00 Reception
  17 November, 2012 Place: St. Petersburg State University, Main Campus, Centre for Catering, Cultural and Business Communication (Birzhevaja line, 6, 2nd floor) Working language: English (no translation)
10.00-10.30 Opening of the Conference.Greetings from Prof. Nikolay Skvortsov (SPSU), Dr. Tatnaja Zimenkova(Bielefeld), Dr. Maria Nozhenko (EUSP), Dr. Oleg Pachenkov (CISR)
10.30-12.00 PLENARY SESSION: Main Results of the Recent Migration Research in Russia and Europe Moderator: Tatjana Zimenkova
  Key speakers: Prof. Philippe Fargues, Head of the Migration Policy Centre, European University Institute (Florence, Italy) New Trends in Migration and Migration Studies in Europe Prof. Natalya Kosmarskaya, Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences Research on Migration in Russia: Mainstream, Counter-Stream and Ensuing Agendas
12.00-12.30 Coffee break
12.30- PANELS
14.00 1. Migration: Flows and Tendencies 1.1 General Tendencies of Migration and EU Specifics Moderator:Oleg Korneev Participants: Klaus Manfrass European Migration Regime Tetiana Havlin Migration and Integration at the Macro-, Meso- and Micro-Levels: German Context Juan Barceló Soler, Enric Martínez-Herrera, Miley Thomas J. Migrants and Natives’ Reactions to Migration Policy Regimes. A Comparison Across Western Europe Aneta Slowik Poles Living in Emigration in England 2. Integration of Migrants: Concepts, Implementation, Results 2.1. Strategies of Integration Moderator:Tatiana Barandova Participants: Oksana Karpenko, Alexander Kondakov Regulation of Migration in Russia: Power and Law Anna Prokhorova MIPEX as Instrument of Measuring Integration Policy in Russia Denisa Sedláčková Integration Strategies of Ukrainian Immigrants in the Czech Republic Olga Lysikova Tourism as a Form of Spatial Mobility and Cultural Integration 3. Different Groups and Types of Migration and Migrants 3.1. Labour Migration Moderator: Agnieszka Weinar Participants: Sergey Ryazantsev Patents for Labour Migrants: the First Results and Unresolved Problems Nonna Kushnirovich Labor Migration to Israel Sonia Gsir Labour Migration at European Level, New Schemes of Temporary Mobility Lyubov Pasyakina Labour Migration Regimes in the EU and Russia: is There Any Common Trend? Marina Pitukhina, Svetlana Sigova Challenges of Foreign Labor Migration in Russia
14.00-15.00 Lunch
15.00- PANELS
16.30 1.2. Dynamic of Migration in Different Countries Moderator: Elena Belokurova Participants: Olga Gulina The Comparative Research of the Migration Models of Russia and of The Chosen European Countries Agnieszka Weinar EU Migration Cooperation Challenges in Eastern Neighborhood Irina Lapshyna Europe in the Imaginations of Ukrainians: Crossroads in Aspirations, Perceptions and Migration Public DiscourseLarissa Titarenko Republic of Belarus: Flows and Tendencies in Migration Processes Ekaterina Bagreeva, German Mendzheritskiy The Migration from the Countries of Former Soviet Union to Germany and Norway during 1990 - 2010: Background, Justification, Dynamics, Integration Discourse 2.2. Perceptions of Migrants Moderators: Oxana Karpenko Participants: Martin Bak Jørgensen The Social Construction of Deserving and Undeserving Migrant Groups in Denmark Tiina Sotkasiira Caucasian Encounters. The Identification and Positioning of North Caucasian Adolescent in Post-Soviet Russia Diana Gapak Ethno-Social Phenomena Concerning Young People in Connection with Migration Growth in the Siberian Federal District (Based on Research Conducted in Novosibirsk) Tatiana Smolina Personality Characteristics and Cross-Cultural Adaptation Oxana Vashchuk Migration, Integration, and Multiculturalism Perception in Russian Poster Art (1980s – 2010s) 3.2. Gender and Migration in Europe and Russia: Changing Patterns, Current Debates Moderator: Olga Tkach Participants: Anna Rocheva Giving Birth “On the Move”: Transition to Motherhood and Migration in the Life-Course Natalia Paleeva Marriage of Convenience as a Strategy of Migrants’ Adaptation (Samara region, 2010 - 2012) Anne Haataja Gendered patterns of migration and transnational engagements: the case of Egyptian migrants in Finland Caterina Rohde Mary Poppins is Holding a University Degree: Educational Migration of Russian Highly Skilled Females to Germany via the Au Pair Programme
16.30-17.00 Coffee break
17.00- PANELS
18.30 1.3 Regional Specifics of Migration in Russia Moderator: Olga Gulina Participants: Svetlana Mishchuk, Natalia Nekludova Peculiarities of Modern Migration Processes in the Russian Far East Svetlana Bolotova State Regulation of Migration of Youth in Baikal Region (On Materials of Republic of Buryatia) Ksenia Volovtsova The Future of Migrants’ Integration in the Sociocultural Life of Russian Society (on the Example of North Caucasian Federal District) 2.3 Role of Institutions in Migrants Integration and Adaptation Moderator: Marina Hakkarainen Participants: Tatiana Barandova What’s the Role of Ombudsmen as a Soft/Human Security Policy Agent in Migration Issues on the European North? Tatjana ZimenkovaEducation Towards Multicultural Diversity: A Successful Integration Policy? Galina Sudakova Conceptual Basis for Innovations in Social Work with Russian-Speaking Migrants in Nordic Countries Vasily Bublikov Immigrant Integration in Russia: Social and Governmental Approaches 3.3 Ethnic Groups and Diasporas Moderator: Maria Nozhenko Participants: Eduard Khakimov Mutual Enrichment of Cultures’ as a Peculiarity Relation to New Culture by Russian-Speaking Immigrants in Finland Who Feel Recognition Polina Kliuchnikova The Importance of Learning Russian: Strategies of Self-Imaging, Community-Building and Professional Networking in Russian Language Schools in Great Britain Verena Molitor Media Diasporas - Diasporic Media - The Case of the German-Speaking Radio Shows in Poland in Comparison to the Media of Migrant Groups in Germany Ágnes Pakot Transnational Migration and Political Identities, Loyalties and Activities – Discourses of and about Romanian Diaspora and Homeland Politics
19.00 Reception
  18 November, 2012 Place: St. Petersburg State University, Main Campus, Centre for Catering, Cultural and Business Communication (Birzhevaja line, 6, 2nd floor) Working language: English (no translation)
10.00-11.30 PLENARY SESSION: Migration Policies in Europe and Russia: Successes and Failures Moderator: Elena Belokurova Prof. Michael Keith, Director of the ESRC Centre on Migration, Policy and Society (COMPAS), University of Oxford (UK) and Prof. Olga Vendina, Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Sciences Inertia of the Russian Migration Policy and New Trends of the Russian Migration
11.30-12.00 Coffee break
12.00- PANELS
13.30   2.4. Informal Social Institutions of Integration Moderator:Raisa Akifjeva Participants: Vera Peshkova, Anna Rocheva Work Hard- Play Hard', Or Whether Migrants' Cafes Can Be a New Agent of Migrant Incorporation in Russia Guzel Yusupova The Role of Islam in the Integration of Migrants from Central Asia into the Russian Society Marina HakkarainenConsumption of Medical Care and Bodily Discipline Among Russian Immigrants in Finland 3.4. Academic and Artistic Mobility Moderator:Sergey Ryazantsev Participants: Veronika Kupriyanova The EU and Russia: Between “Academic Migration” and “Academic Mobility” Maria Safonova The Academic Empires: Colonial Legacies and International System of Student Migration Olga Lakizuk Classification of Immigration Flows with a Special Focus on Academic Immigration
13.30-14.30 Lunch
14.30- PANELS
16.00 1.4. Specifics of Transnaitonal Migration Moderator: Irina Lapshyna Participants: Shoshana Fine (De)securitising Transit Migrant Identities: the Case of Iranians and Afghans in Turkey Hanna Konya The Emergence of a Transnational Elite. The Development of the Csángó Elite as a Consequence of International Migration Maria Zaslavskaya The Transmigration as the Strata - Forming Factor in Modern Societies: Armenian Case Eteri Rubinskaya Influence of Cross-Border Cooperation on Migration Processes in the Rostov Region: Challenges and Perspectives 2.5. Integration and Social Construction of Migrants Moderators: Tatjana Zimenkova, Verena Molitor Participants: Giovanni Picker Ascribing Shadiness. On the Social Construction of Roma Ethnicity in the Context of EU Westward Migration Polina Rumyantseva Russian-Speaking Immigrants in Finland: Acculturation Strategies and Perceived Ethnic Discrimination Liudmila Vedmetskaya State Capacities in the Sphere of Immigrants’ Integration in France and Germany: Comparative Analysis  
16.00-16.30 Coffee break
16.30-18.30 Plenary Session. Moderators: Elena Belokurova & Tatjana Zimenkova Prof. Gianni D'Amato, University of Neuchatel (Switzerland) Old Wine in New Skins?: Migration and Integration Discourses in European Immigrant Societies Presentation of Moderators’ Results Final discussion & Concluding Remarks
19.00 Reception at Grad Petroff Restaurant


Иммиграционная карта при въезде


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