Студопедия — Read and translate the following sentences. Make them first negative, then interrogative
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Read and translate the following sentences. Make them first negative, then interrogative


1. Our company needs a marketing director.

2. Public companies sell their shares to the general public on Stock Exchange.

3. Rosalind is out of the office at the moment. She is visiting a client in Manchester.

4. The company is developing a new drug against asthma.

5. We opened a new office in Paris two years ago.

6. Our company merged with British American Financial Services last week.

7. The company is going to be better off than before because of the extra interest they will earn.

8. Because the national central banks will remain large and important, the transition to the new regime will not mark a sudden shift.


Ask questions of 4 types (general, special, alternative, disjunctive) about each sentence.


1. My work experience allows me to work in Public Relations.

2. The invoice provides information about the goods or services.

3. At present we are setting up a new branch in France.

4. At the moment this foreign company is planning to buy a Russian plant.

5. They are going to solve this problem in the near future.

Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Indefinite Tense. Translate the following sentences from English into Russian.

1. The major divisions of economics (to include) microeconomics, which (to deal) with the behavior of individual consumers, companies, traders, and farmers; and macroeconomics, which (to focus) on aggregates such as the level of income in an economy, the volume of total employment, and the flow of investment. These areas of investigation in economics (to overlap) with other social sciences, particularly political science, but economics (to be) primarily concerned with relations between buyer and seller.


2. There were fourteen very old directors on the board. They (to make) all the

directors redundant. Their offices (to be) too small. They (to move) to larger premises. The factory where they (to make) shoes (to use) very old machinery. They (to install) new equipment. The workers in the factory (to dislike) their working conditions. They (to change) the hours and (to improve) salaries. The company (to have) two loss-making subsidiaries. They (to sell) the subsidiaries. The company only (to have) two salesmen. They (to increase) the number of people in the sales team. All the company's customers (to come) from the local area. They (to look) for new business in other parts of the country. The company's products (to be) very old-fashioned. They (to improve) the design and range of the shoes. The company's suppliers always (to complaine) about late payment. They (to begin) paying people on time. The Accounts Department (to do) all the book-keeping by hand. They (to equip) the Accounts Department with computers.


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