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По английскому языку

Для студентов II курса

Фармацевтического факультета заочного отделения


Задание 1: Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст на русский язык.



1. Carbohydrates axe compounds containing carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, the last two elements being usually present in the proportion in which they are found in water.

2. The group includes sugars of different degrees of complexity and polysaccharides such as starch, inulin and cellulose.

3. Sugars which contain from three to nine carbon atoms form monosaccharides, those with five and six carbon atoms being the most important

4. Polysaccharides are derived from sugar molecules by condensation with the elimination of water.

5. Sugars are known to be readily soluble in water and in general can be crystallized only with difficulty and after careful purification.

6. They are known to have a sweet taste.

7. Among the polysaccharides inulin is insoluble in warm water, the more complex cellulose being insoluble.

8. All carbohydrates give a violet colour when treated with alpha-naphthol followed by concentrated sulphuric acid.

9. The test may be applied either to a solution or in the case of an insoluble carbohydrate to its suspension in water.

10. Some carbohydrates are reducing ones.

11. Non-reducing carbohydrates such as sucrose and polysaccharides can be hydrolyzed by boiling for about half an hour or more with a little dilute acid.

12. After neutralizing them with an excess of caustic soda it will be found that reducing sugars have been produced.

13. The process of hydrolysis is a reversible one and more complex carbohydrates are synthesized at the plants from sugars.

14. In addition, there are some relatively rare desoxy sugars which have been found hi nature only in cardiac glycosides.

15. These desoxy sugars contain one or two oxygen atoms fewer than the corresponding carbohydrates with six carbon atoms.


Задание 2: Перепишите предложения, выделите в каждом сказуемое и определите его время и залог, напишите форму инфинитива, предложения переведите.

  1. They have already completed their investigation.
  2. He had collected some information about modern discoveries in. this branch of chemistry by the end of last year.
  3. The experiment will have been finished tomorrow by two o'clock.
  4. The students have been asked many questions.
  5. We have not seen him since he graduated from the Institute.


Задание 3: Перепишите предложения, обратите внимание на Participle II: укажите его функцию, т.е. определите, будет ли оно определением, обстоятельством или составной частью сказуемого; предложения переведите.

  1. The method used showed good results.
  2. When heated to the boiling point water evaporates.
  3. Organic substances are not easily identified.
  4. Ibis mineral was found two years ago.
  5. If carried out carefully the experiment can give reliable data.


Задание 4: Учитывая отличительные признаки Gerund и Participle I, выпишите предложения с герундием, определите его функции (подлежащее, определение, обстоятельство, часть сказуемого); предложения переведите.

  1. Не was studying the properties of this solid at that tune.
  2. Our aim was studying the properties of this substance.
  3. When combining chemically hydrogen and oxygen form water.
  4. A new method of experimenting was worked out at the research Institute.
  5. We are interested in carrying out this experiment
  6. Heating a substance an experimenter tried to obtain a new * compound.
  7. One salt can be transformed into another by treating it with an acid.
  8. Heating a substance will not always cause a rise of its temperature.


Задание 5: Перепишите предложения и письменно переведите их; определите функцию инфинитива (определение, обстоятельство, дополнение, подлежащее, часть сказуемого).


  1. The natural source of vitamins to be given to patients is in the food they consume.
  2. To prepare final products of a high degree of purity is possible by a simple procedure of purification.
  3. To improve the accuracy of the results during the analysis different spectrophotometric methods are used,
  4. The purpose of these experiments was to observe properties of the element.
  5. To establish the molecular weight of oxygen means to find the number of atoms in the oxygen molecule.


Задание 6: Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на сложное подлежащее:


1. Не is known to have worked hi the field of nuclear physics.

2. This question is supposed to be solved soon.

3. She is unlikely to know him.

4. This mistake appears to have been found.

5. The experiment was expected to give good results.


Задание 7: Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на самостоятельный причастный оборот:


  1. 1 Sugar molecules consist of atoms, each sugar molecule having its own special atom.
  2. Chromatographic methods having been developed, we began to apply them in our research.
  3. Phosphate being an important major constituent of raw materials, its study is also of particular interest
  4. The temperature reaching the boiling point, the separation of the components of a mixture will begin.
  5. The method of preparation being the best of the methods described, we used it in our work.


Дата добавления: 2015-06-15; просмотров: 772. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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