Студопедия — Application Hosting
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Application Hosting

With multi-instance support, SQL Server enables you to take full advantage of your hardware investments so that multiple applications can be run on a single server, or outsourced.

Clickstream Analysis

Gain a deep understanding of online customer behavior, so that you can make better business decisions.


Ensure your applications are secure in any networked environment, with role-based security and file and network encryption.

Full-Text Search

Use and manage both your structured and unstructured data, including searching through Microsoft Office documents.

High Availability

Maximize the availability of your business applications with log shipping, online backups, and failover clusters.


Scale your applications up to 32 CPUs and 64 gigabytes (GB) of RAM.

SQL Server 2000 has demonstrated record-breaking performance that you can leverage.


Ensure your applications are secure in any networked environment, with role-based security and file and network encryption.

Distributed Partitioned Views

Partition your workload among multiple servers for additional scalability.

Indexed Views

Gain performance from your existing hardware by storing query results and reducing response times.


Improve your overall system performance with built-in support for a virtual system area network (VI SAN).


With SQLServer 2000 you can implement merge, transactional, and snapshot replication with heterogeneous systems.

Full-Text Search

Use and manage both your structured and unstructured data, including searching through Microsoft Office documents.

Simplified Database Administration

Automatic tuning and maintenance features enable administrators to focus on other critical tasks.

Improved Developer Productivity

User-defined functions, cascading referential integrity, and the integrated

Transact-SQL debugger allow you to reuse code to simplify the development process.

Data Transformation Services

Automate routines that extract, transform, and load data from heterogeneous sources.

Extend Applications

Support for access by devices, such as Microsoft Windows® CE handheld

units, provides broader access to applications and extends your user base.

Web and Application Hosting

Have your e-commerce solution hosted by a third party, with SQL Server

2000 support for multiple instances.

English Query

Enable your users to pose questions in English instead of using multi

dimensional expressions (MDX).

Data Mining

Discover patterns and trends with data mining, and make predictions about future trends in your business.

Analysis (OLAP) Services

Perform rapid, sophisticated analysis on large and complex data sets using multi-dimensional storage.

OLAP Flexibility

Use multiple dimension types for flexible business analysis.

Closed-Loop Analysis

Take analysis one step further with OLAP actions, allowing results to drive next steps in the business process.


Learn how SQL Server differs from Oracle, IBM, and Sybase and see why companies are switching to SQL Server.

SQL Server 2000 for Oracle Database Professionals

SQL Server 2000 provides organizations with a scalable, reliable, and affordable relational database and analysis solution. Oracle developers and IT professionals can learn more about the benefits of using SQL Server by reviewing these resources.

SQL Server 2000 for IBM Database Professionals

SQL Server 2000 provides organizations with a scalable, reliable, and affordable relational database and analysis solution. IBM developers and IT professionals can learn more about the benefits of using SQL Server by reviewing these resources.

SQL Server 2000 for Sybase Database Professionals

Discover how to reduce costs, improve performance, and improve business agility by migrating from Sybase to SQL Server.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 394. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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