Find the following word combinations in the text and give their Russian equivalents.
Communications satellites, scientific and technological inventions, nuclear physicists, infectious diseases, surgical techniques, lifesaving machines, technological achievements have benefited us in numerous ways, breakthroughs in nuclear research, disease-causing bacteria, destroy personal privacy, mysterious spiritual forces, contradicted the belief, unconscious motives, they began to rely more heavily on statistical analysis, hereditary material of cells, enabled mathematicians to solve problems, promise great advances in communications, many achievements resulted from scientists working in research teams, serious debates have arisen over such science-related issues. Task 6 Match up the words with a close meaning.
Task 7 Look through the following text and fill in the gaps with the following words: For, into, within, and, in, of, where, as, with, from.
Scientific study can be divided _1_ four major groups: mathematics and logic, the physical sciences, the life sciences, and the social sciences. Within these main categories are many smaller groupings _2_ closely related specialties. _3_ example, anthropology, psychology, and sociology are behavioral sciences included _4_ the category of the social sciences. Geology, meteorology, physical geography, and physical oceanography are grouped together as the earth sciences_5_ the category of the physical sciences. _6_ scientific knowledge has grown and become increasingly complicated, many new fields of study have emerged. and it is often hard to tell _7_ one science ends and another begins. For instance, both chemistry and physics deal _8_ atomic structure. Both paleontology _9_ geology study the age of rocks in the earth. Many of the most important scientific advances have resulted _10_ the exchange of ideas and methods among different branches of science.
Task 8
1. How have modern science and technology changed our lives for the better? 2. What could be the negative sides of the progress? 3. Who determines whether that knowledge will help or harm society? 4. How did people’s belief in natural events change through centuries? 5. When did the first systematic observations and reasoning to analyze natural happenings begin? 6. What scientific findings have increasingly influenced philosophical and religious thought about the nature of human beings and their activity 7. In what period of history have scientific theories begun to alter philosophical views about the nature of reality? 8. What revolutionary advances got the impulse in the early1900s? 9. How did the world science develop during the mid-1900s? 10. Why did the cooperation of scientists over the world increasingly grow in the late 1900s? 11. What kinds of problems arise with the development of science and scientific achievements? Task 9