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Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи.


1) "I can explain the situation to you," said the man.

2) The manager said to his assistant: "We shall discuss the subject tomorrow."

3) "You have not been performing well lately," said the boss to me.

4) The poor man said to the rich man: "My horse is wild. It can kill your horse."

5) The rich man said to the judge: "This man's horse has killed my horse."

6) "I'm going to Spain next week," he said.

7)"You can come to me if you have any problems," she said to us.

8) "Water freezes below 0 degrees C," he said.

9) "I've applied for several jobs this week," the man said.

10) "China is a densely populated country," she said.

11) “The company manager said: “We’ve enjoyed stable operation since the last shutdown six years ago”.

12) The head of the company said: “We had a number of problems with the staff in the early 1990s.”

13) The BP manager said: “We’ll always have the time to work safely.”

14) The project manager said to the reporters: “Our goal is no serious incidents affecting people, equipment or the environment.”

15) The company manager said: “More than 30 members of the board meet every morning to exchange information and set a common target.”


6. Передайте следующие повелительные предложения в косвенной речи:


1) "Explain to me how to solve this problem," said the spokesman.

2) "Bring me a cup of coffee," said Mr Bell to his secretary.

3) "Give me your answer tomorrow," said our business partner to us.

4) "Fill in this application form," said the interviewer to me.

5) "Come to the office at 9.00 tomorrow," said the manger to her.

6) "Tell us about your work experience," said the chairman of the commission.

7) "Give us a 50% discount," said the Buyer.


8) "Send your fax as soon as possible," said the president of the corporation.

9) "Promise you'll sell this equipment at a lower price," said the manager to us.

10) "Get down to work!" ordered the employer.

11) “Ensure that everyone has the right protection,” said the manager to the entry guard.

12) “Work on developing proposals for our company”, said our boss.

13) “Don’t hurry!” said the manager to the staff.

14) “Look to the future more globally!” said the Prime Minister.

15) “Focus on the positive side of the reform!” said the finance minister.

16) “Don’t make promises you can’t keep!” said the TV showman to the minister.

17) “Don’t stick to stereotypes!” said our business partner.

18) “Don’t be confined to your workplace, look around!” said the new manager to the personnel.

19) “Try to be a good leader, colleague and employee,” said the vice president of the staff.

20) “Don’t say you can do everything – just do something!” said the head of the project group.


Передайте следующие вопросы в косвенной речи.


1) I asked Mr Bell: "Did anybody meet you at the station?"

2) The reporter asked the government official: "Why did The Prime-Minister have to submit his resignation?"

3) The student asked the professor: "How many countries are the UN members?"

4) The manager asked me: "What can cause the delay in delivery?"

5) The employee asked the manager: "How do you deal with correspondence in the office?"

6) The customer asked the sales man: "Where can I find the footwear section?"

7) The colleague asked me: "What types of reports are used at your job?"

8) The customs officer asked the passenger:" Do you have anything to declare?"

9) The clerk asked the traveler: "What kind of accommodation do you prefer?"

10) The policeman asked the suspect: "Where were you last night?"

11) The reporter asked: “ How is the Nord Stream pipeline project going to forward?”

12) The man asked: “When can we expect your decision?”

13) The President asked: “Does your country play a special role in the EU?”

14) The minister of finance asked: “What is the current share of nuclear power in your energy sector?”

15) The Prime Minister asked: “What can Russia do to promote ties with Europe?”

16) The manager asked: “Will the dairy producer build a new cheese processing plant in our region?”

17) The reporter asked: “What is the most promising market for mobile-phone sales and services?”

18) The minister asked: “Do you see our country as a potential market for your businesses?”

19) The executive asked “Are there any laws concerning taxation in you country?”

20) The chief executive asked: “ Are your new tax laws similar to ones in Western companies?”


Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 1201. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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