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1. Rewrite the newspaper headlines as complete sentences:


1) Demonstrations against Council Tax Held Last Sunday

2) All-Day Strike to be Held by Electricity Workers

3) Missing Painting not yet Recovered

4) Child Rescued from Fire Yesterday

5) $1,000,000 Being Raised for Homeless in Haiti

6) Mexico City to be Hit by Hurricane Tomorrow

7) Talks on Disarmament Held Paris Yesterday

8) New Law to Fight Corruption To Be Adopted

9) Opportunity Lost in Tracking Qaeda

10) U.S. Woman Tied To Terrorist Death Plot

11) 10 Jailed in Nevsky Express Bombing

12) Migrants Living On Factory Grounds Arrested By Police

13) Young Workers Cheated During Summers in U.S.

14) 400,000 Uprooted by Unrest in Kyrgyzstan


2. Turn the sentences into the negative and interrogative form:


1) Employees are pressured either to improve their performance or to quit.

2) A perception is created that management does not value fairness.

3) The flow patterns are selected by an organization.

4) No one is laid off as a result of economic cycles.

5) This type of system is not restricted to any industry.

6) Over time, a human resource flow pattern is institutionalized.

7) Large numbers of employees were terminated last year from the company.

8) It is generally accepted that diversity contributes to innovation.

9) This employee was not fully socialized so he didn't stay long with us.

10) General managers are well advised to examine their human resource flow pattern.



3. Rephrase the following sentences by changing the active into the passive form.. Give two versions:

1). They will show the visitors new construction sites.

2) The policeman gave me a ticket.

3) An eyewitness gave the police a full report.

4) They have given him a promotion.

5) The manager didn't tell us the news.

6) They gave him a watch when he retired.

7) The secretary will send you a fax.

8) They are going to show us some new equipment.

9) They give the employees extra training.

10) The judge has fined him $300.


4. Rewrite the following sentences in the passive:


1) The wastes and exhaust fumes are slowly poisoning us.

2) The police are questioning the suspect now.

3) Thousands of British tourists will visit Saint-Petersburg this summer.

4) Someone has made a complaint.

5) I broke my arm when I fell on the slippery ground.

6) The snow will have covered the mountains by December.

7) Who delivered the parcel?

8) The management made him resign.

9) Someone had warned her that she might lose her job.

10) Who discovered America?

11) Who is going to attend the conference?

12) Who answered the phone?

13) Who did they give the promotion to?

14) Which building are they going to knock down?


5. Make sentences in the passive:


1) The market demands lowered the costs.

2) Variations in HRM policies and practices across countries offer useful alternatives.

3) The alternatives suggest strategies for dealing with long-term changes.

4) Legislation affects HRM policies and practices.

5) Management choices affected the quality of the decisions people made.

6) General managers, not personnel or labor relations specialists, make choices about the quality of decisions.

7) Rewards send a powerful message to employees.

8) How shall we use money?

9) Shall we share economic gains with various employees or employee groups?

10) Many managers have adopted new technology and new approaches.


6. Rewrite the following sentences in the passive:


1) More and more sea ports are installing radiation detection portals at border crossings.

2)The President signed the Decree "On setting up of the State Service Committee" on October 25, 1991.

3) The Customs Service has passed a long way of growth and development.

4) The World Customs Organization has recognized Russian Customs Academy as one of its

regional training centres.

5) Russian Customs Service successfully controls foreign trade turnover of the country.

6) Customs officers process each year about three million cargo customs declarations.

7) Civil society is demanding better governance. It has identified customs services as particularly prone to harboring corrupt practices.

8) The integrity situation reflects the integrity of the greater society to which the customs administration belongs.

9) The focus has shifted from just imports to the entire supply chain.

10) They are introducing new procedures and additional safety measures.


7. Look up the meaning of the following verbs in the dictionary. Make sentences with them according to the pattern:

It is said that he is a good manager.


Verbs: suppose, claim, report, estimate, rumor, believe, acknowledge, consider, expect, fear


8. Translate into English using the verb in the passive form:


1) Абитуриенты будут выбирать технические специальности.

2) Несколько столетий назад первопроходцы прирастили к нашему государству богатейшие земли за Уральскими горами.

3) В Сочи идет стройка олимпийских объектов.

4) Российский газ удовлетворяет потребности в газе и России, и Европы.

5) Считается, что наши ресурсы неисчерпаемы.

6) Более 4 000 рабочих задействовано на строительстве.

7) Система подготовки кадров должна быть построена грамотно.

8) В программу форума включили конференцию "Инновационные технологии в сервисе".

9) Необходимо наращивать научный и научно-технический потенциал.

10) В данный момент мы налаживаем процесс обмена опытом между двумя странами.

11) За встречей в Женеве последовал ряд мирных инициатив.

12) По этому вопросу было собрано много материалов.

13) На открытии Генеральной Ассамблеи присутствовали делегации многих государств.

14) Недавно в Санкт-Петербурге открылся международный форум.

15) В его статье предлагается новое решение проблемы управления персоналом.

16) К концу года законопроект будет принят.

17) Полученные результаты будут вскоре внедрены в практику.

18) Сообщают, что эта резолюция была принята большинством голосов.

19) Полагают, что опубликованные материалы доклада повлияют на общественное мнение.

20) О дате визита наконец договорились.

21) На эту статью часто ссылаются.

22) Оратора слушали с большим вниманием.

23) Об условиях соглашение можно договориться позднее.

24) О пожилых и больных людях необходимо заботиться.

25) Необходимо созвать международную конференцию.

26) Это странное явление сейчас нельзя объяснить.

27) Возможно, над нашими предложениями будут смеяться.

28) Это событие обязательно нужно прокомментировать.

29) Этот план невозможно осуществить.

30) Этот вопрос можно рассмотреть позже.

31) Речь президента сегодня комментируется во всех газетах.

32) Репортаж из Киргизии показывают сейчас по телевидению.

33) Здесь об инвалидах хорошо заботятся.

34) Со многими из этих недостатков уже покончили.

35) Эта проблема почти не освещена в средствах массовой информации.

36) О нем хорошо отзываются.

37) О начале строительства уже договорились.

38) На ее работу можно положиться.

39) Из-за плохой погоды пришлось отложить вылет.

40) Причину аварии так и не выяснили.


9. Translate into Russian:


1) Foreign investment in Internet companies should be controlled by the state.

2) What is needed to overcome poverty seems to be a change of culture.

3) Very often the cycle of poverty is transmitted from generation to generation.

4) Methods that actually work have to be done.

5) High-quality early childhood programs should be introduced.

6) Kids who have been through the new programs are less likely to be arrested.

7) The project is funded jointly by several organizations.

8) Help for the homeless is offered by the Night Bus service, which distributes meals every day.

9) However, owing to a lack of funds volunteers have been forced to reduce the size of portions.

10) No grants have yet been received.

11) A lot of people are deprived of access to housing, medical care and employment.

12) 100 local homeless people were helped to survive the winter.

13) Official records include those who used to be registered in the city and then lost their housing registration for various reasons.

14) 78% of children are engaged in child labor in Sierra Leone.

15) The death of the man is being treated as suspected suicide.

16) Only 13 percent of applicants in Britain were granted refugee status out of about 6,400 decisions made in 2009.

10. Translate into Russian:


1) Too often market opportunities are considered far more important than human resource considerations.

2) The potential consequences of insufficient human resources on profitable growth need to be weighed.

3) The task of evaluating performance should be approached with realistic expectations.

4) While new procedures for selecting and evaluating employees are established a common pattern can be discovered.

5) An initial period of enthusiasm is followed by general disillusionment as problems become evident.

6) A new method is being developed to solve this problem.

7) More emphasis must be placed on the process of selection and evaluation and how it is embedded in the larger organization.

8) Employee effectiveness traditionally has been defined and evaluated exclusively by management.

9) What is effectiveness? This question must be addressed at two levels of analysis: the immediate job for which a person is being considered, and the culture of the organization in which that job is situated.

10) Insufficient attention has been given to identifying the requirements for job success.

11) Most selection processes are based on general parameters and subjective assessments

and not on defined characteristics that are assessed with objectivity.



Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 3458. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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