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Leave/work -shadowing

Can everyone please put forward their requests Action -

for leave for the coming six months. Many thanks. everyone by end of

Jill had an interesting account of her May

Experience work – shadowing Phil Mahew last Action- Phil

month. Phil has agreed to another member to collect and

of staff also work-shadowing him-if you are organize by mid-

interested, please put your name forward. May.



5.Read the paragraphs about the types of minutes again and define the topic, the main idea and the supporting details for each paragraph.

The following information may be useful in order to do the task in the right way:

 The word ‘topic’ means ‘the subject of speech or writing’. A paragraph usually tells about one topic. The heading of a paragraph gives information about its topic.

 The main idea tells the main point, or idea about the topic. Sometimes one or two sentences of a paragraph tell the main idea.

 The supporting details give examples or more information about the main idea.


a)Paragraph a: topic …………………………………………………………

main idea ……………………………………………………

supporting details ……………………………………………

b)Paragraph b: topic ………………………………………………………

main idea ………………………………………………….

supporting details ………………………………………….

c)Paragraph c: topic ………………………………………………………….

main idea ……………………………………………………..

supporting details ……………………………………………..


6.Write a summary of each paragraph. Begin with a sentence about the topic or tittle.

Remember this:

 A summary is a short statement of the main points and important details of

reading material.

 A summary has some words from the reading and some not from the reading.

 A summary of a paragraph or short article has only a few sentences, it is much shorter than the original.

 A good summary tells the main idea and the important details in your own words.


Paragraph a








Paragraph b ………………………………………………………………………………………




Paragraph c ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....





If you cannot attend a meeting, you sent your apologies (a message to say you cannot attend). At the beginning of the meeting, someone reads out these messages.

The minutes of a meeting are written notes of what is said and decided in the meeting. During the meeting, someone takes the minutes (writes down what is said and decided). After the meeting, someone sends out the minutes. At the beginning of the next meeting people agree that the minutes are correct.


Remember the minutes of a meeting should include:

1. a summary of the chairman’s introduction;

2. a summary of the opinions and suggestions made by the participants;

3. the action points that were decided upon;

4. the people involved in carrying out the action points;

5. the deadlines that were fixed;

6. the date and time of the next meeting.


Supplementary exercises. (optional)




Exercise 1. Read the following agenda.

Then read the conversation during the meeting and do the task given below.




DATE 4 September

TIME 3.30pm

VENUE Main conference room


1. Matters arising

2. Firat to present new quotations for building new canteen

3. Andrian to propose changes to staff newsletter

4. AOB


Exercise 2. Read the conversation and fill in the action minutes of the meeting.


Cristina: So, let’s make a start. Thank you for coming. Present today are Lena, Firat and Andrian. Birgit can’t come as she is in another meeting. Firat, I think it’s your turn to take the minutes. Right, item one on our agenda today. Lena, I think you want to start with Matters arising.
Lena: The office staff is not happy about the hot desking we agreed last time. The work atmosphere is bad and getting worse. I think we should review the situation.
Cristina: Any comments?
Firat: Yes, I agree with Lena.
Cristina: So, Lena, you will write a report to review the situation. How long do you need?
Lena: I can have it ready by the eighth of September.
Cristina: Good. Let’s move on to the next item. Firat, are you ready to present?
Firat: Yes, we had two quotations for building a new canteen one from Turnbull Construction Ltd, and one from Haines Ltd. Now let me show you the facts and figures. So, I believe the Haines Ltd proposal is better.

Unit 9


Cristina: Do we all agree?
All: Yes.
Cristina: We all agree the Haines Ltd proposal so we will go ahead with it. Firat, please draw up a schedule for thee building work and let us have it at the next meeting. OK, our last item today is about the company newsletter. I know you wanted to point our something, Andrian?
Andrian: Let me start by saying the newsletter needs a lot of time and energy. The quality of the articles is no longer very good. Why don’t we produce the newsletter every quarter, and not once a month?
Lena: I’m not in favour of that idea. It’s very important to …
Cristina: Right. We can’t reach an agreement today. Let’s discuss the issue again at the next meeting. Andrian, please write a proposal with the pros and cons of a quarterly newsletter. That brings us to the end of the meeting. Any other business?
Lena: Would it be possible to hold the Christmas party in the new canteen?
Cristina: Good idea. Check the building schedule and report back next meeting. OK, the next meeting is here on the eleventh of September.


Exercise 3. Action minutes give a short summary of what was discussed and who will do what at which time. Fill in the action minutes of the meeting above.




Date: 4th September Present: Cristina, Firat, Lena, Andrian.

Time: 3.30pm Absent: Brigit

Venue: Main conference room Minute taker: (1)……..


  Action steps Who? When?
Point 1. Matters arising – staff not happy about hot-desking (2) Lena (3)
Point 2. Quotations for new canteen (4) (5) Next meeting
Point 3. Changes to staff newsletter Write a proposal of pros and cons of a quarterly newsletter Andrian (6)
Point 4. AOB- Chrisman party (7) (8) (9)


Next meeting: (10)


Venue: Main conference room


Unit 9


Exercise 4. Check your understanding. Sentences 1-8 report what somebody said. Sentences a)-h) are what the person said. In each group of four match the sentences with similar meanings.


  1. She disagreed with the idea. a) Let’s discuss this issue at the next meeting
  2. She suggested discussing the issue at the following meeting. b) I can have the report ready by 8th of September.
  3. He recommended the Haines proposal. c) I believe the Haines proposal is the better one.
  4. She promised to finish the report by 8th of September. d) I’m not in favour of that idea.
  5. She wondered if the Christmas party could be held in the canteen. e) The company newsletter needs a lot of time and energy.
  6. She warned that we had a problem with the atmosphere at work. f) We all agree with the Haines proposal.
  7. He pointed out how much work went into the company newsletter. g) The atmosphere at work is bad and getting worse.
  8. We approved the Haines proposal. h) Would it be possible to hold the Christmas party in the new canteen.


Exercise 5. Now read the full minutes from the meeting between Cristina, Firat, Lena and Andrian.


Minutes of meeting – 4th September.

Venue: Main conference room

Present: Cristina (chair), Firat, Lena and Andrian.

Apologies for absence: Birgit


1. Matters arising from the previous meeting.


Lena reported that the staff were still not happy about this and warned that the atmosphere in the office was bad and was getting worse. Firat agreed with this. Lena agreed to write a report and promised to have it ready for 8th September.

2. New quotations for building new canteen.

Firat presented quotations from Turnbull Construction Ltd and Haines Ltd. Everybody agreed that the Haines proposal was better. Firat agreed to draw up a schedule for the building work and bring it to the next meeting.

3. Changes to staff newsletter.

Andrian pointed out that a lot of work was needed for the staff newsletter and that the quality was decreasing. He suggested producing the newsletter every quarter. Lena disagreed with the idea. Andrian agreed to write a proposal of the pros and cons of a quarterly newsletter.

Unit 9


4. AOB

Christmas party

Lena wandered if the Christmas party could be held in the canteen. She agreed to check the schedule and to report back at the next meeting.


Next Meeting: September 11th in the main conference room.


Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 429. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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