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Exercise 2. Read the text again to find out:

a) how to respond to what the other side wants;

b) three ways to change a deal;

c) three actions to prepare for bargaining.


Exercise 3. Read the extract again. Then make up a plan – logically connected items with the key words for each that can help you to retell the story.




Exercise 4. Write an essay on the subject «What you need for effective negotiating». An essay – a piece of writing by a student on a particular subject.





Exercise 5. Match the word to the correct definition.


  1. agenda a) a legal document that gives details of an agreement
  2. compromise b) meeting between at least two parties that aims to reach an agreement
  3. proposal c) plan for the meeting or negotiation
  4. priorities d) information used to help make your point in a negotiation
  5. contract e) agreement that is between the starting positions of both sides in a negotiation
  6. evidence f) most important needs or demands
  7. negotiation g) position (maybe a final one) that both sides accept
  8. agreement h) Offer


Exercise 6. Preparing for a negotiation.

1. Not all negotiations (or meetings) have a formal a ………………………….……..

2. You should know your s ……..……..……. and w ……………………..………….

3. Establish your o …………………………………………………………………….

Unit 13


4. Have all the i ……………………………………………………….……. you need.

5. Prepare any v …………………………………………….………….……. supports.

6. Prepare an o …………………………………….. s ……………...………………...


Exercise 7. About the opening statement.

Mark the following statements as True (T) or False (F).


1. Everyone present should make an opening statement.  
2. The opening statement explains the purpose of the meeting.  
3. It is a good idea to make positive comments about the other side in the negotiation.  
4. In most situations it is best to try to work with and not against the other side.  
5. Both sides usually make an opening statement.  
6. It helps to try to understand the other side’s point of view.  
7. The opening statement explains your minimum requirement from the negotiation.  


Exercise 8. Bargaining and making concession.

Choose the right alternative from the words in italics.

1. It’s okay with us so long as / whereas you can supply the goods by January.

2. If/Unless the specifications are right we’ll be happy.

3. We won’t pay that price if/unless you increase the quantity.

4. If you ask us to help you then we’ll/we do send someone immediately.

5. If you pay in dollars we had to/will have to pay bank charges.

6. We can offer a discount but only/however if you pay at the time of the order.

7. We can reach agreement unless/on condition that the price is fixed for two years.





Approaches to bargaining and negotiating can vary according to whether a company or culture is deal-focused or relationship-focused. Most negotiators lie somewhere between the two extremes. It is useful not only to recognise where your counterpart in the negotiation is placed, but also to identify which style reflects your own attitude to bargaining.


  Deal-focused Relationship-focused
Start the bargaining process It is important to get down to business as quickly as possible. It is important to develop a relationship before getting down to business.
  Deal-focused Relationship-focused
Contracts Written agreement is essential to prevent misunderstandings and to solve problems. Personal trust is more important than a detailed contract.
Verbal communi- cation It is better to be direct so that you can be clearly understood. Indirect language helps to maintain harmony. It is very important – to avoid giving offence.
Sincerity It is better to be honest and say if something can’t be done. If you can’t do something, you can at least show willingness to try.



Exercise 1. Try to remember the tree different types of negotiation described in the beginning. We may also speak about three types of negotiator: the fighter, the creative negotiator and the one who looks for independent advantage.

To find out which one you are, answer the following questions and check your answers with the key at the end.


Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 593. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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