Студопедия — III. After you have read
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III. After you have read

3.1. Choose the right variant (use the information taken from the texts 1 and 2):

1. A language that is used as a means of communication by people of different nations is called ….

a) national

b) international

c) local

2. The first international language that we know about was the language of the ….

a) Chinese

b) Japanese

c) Phoenicians

3. The … language replaced Phoenician as a means of international communication.

a) Greek

b) Latin

c) French

4. In the 19-th century… was the official language of our country.

a) French

b) English

c) Russian

5. … is one of the official languages in the Irish Republic, Canada, and the South African Republic.

a) French

b) Spanish

c) English

6. In a number of speakers English is second only to....

a) German

b) Spanish

c) Chinese

7. Verbs now have very few ….

a) forms

b) tenses

c) inflections

8. … also can be used as verbs.

a) Nouns

b) Pronouns

c) Prepositions

9. … of the French, Russian, and Japanese languages are resisting the arrival of English in their vocabulary.

a) Purists

b) Writers

c) Teachers

10. The opinion that all other languages will die out is ….

a) true

b) absurd

c) controversial

3.2. Arrange the sentences according to the order in the text English as a World Language, Part II:

1. A modern engineer or even a worker cannot work with an imported instrument or a machine if he is not able to read the instruction how to
do it.

2. As for basic characteristics of English there are following.

3. Previously the reason for learning any foreign language was not well defined.

4. Old English, Greek, had many inflections to show singular and
plural, tense, person, etc.

5. Most world languages have contributed some words to English at
some time, and the process is now being reversed.

6. People who speak English fall into one of three groups.

7. The total knowledge of mankind doubles every seven years.

8. Foreign languages are socially demanded especially at the present time when the progress in science and technology has led to an explosion of knowledge.

9. At present no other language on Earth is better suited to play the role of world language.

10. Without inflections, the same word can operate as many different parts of speech.

3.3. Make up adjectives:

Model: Russia – Russian.

Persia –

Germany –

Spain –

Japan –

China –

Scotland –

Wales –

Ireland –

Portugal –

Europe –

Greece –

Turkey –

Australia –

Canada –

3.4. Make up the derivative verbs with the suffixes -ize or -en from the following adjectives. Translate them into Russian:

Active, special, central, nation, personal, individual, deep, wide, weak, crystal, black, white, red, fast, computer, length.

3.5. Find in the texts the words with the following suffixes: - tion,
-al, -(i)ty, -ly
and translate them

3.6. Point out the sentences with the verbs to be, to have in the texts and state its function.

3.7. Make up sentences matching the suggested parts. Pay attention to the participles:

Learning foreign languages English my friend the data the matter people can travel abroad.
Having learnt we can get a well-paid job.
Being busy didn’t call me back.
Knowing people are able to read the books in original.
Having discussed they make some more experiments.
we completed our job later.
they started to learn Spanish.
we write new words out.


3.8. Put the word in brackets into the appropriate form of participle:

1. (To speak) English our secretary always makes mistakes.

2. Have you received a fax (to send) from London?

3. We went home, (to look) through the documents.

4. The matter (to discuss) is very controversial.

5. While (to read) a book in a foreign language my friend usually uses the e-dictionary.

6. Where are the souvenirs (to bring) from Paris?

7. (To translate) this difficult text, my friend starts to learn it.

8. The new method of learning English (to use) by our teacher at the lesson is very useful.

9. I’ve got a few books (to publish) in France.

10. Do you know the student (to speak) with the dean?

3.9. Complete the sentences:

1. Having taken a taxi my colleague …

2. When speaking at the conference my friend …

3. Not knowing English language he …

4. Having been published this book …

5. While translating an article my brother …

6. Not having followed his parents' advice my brother …

7. The project being made by our students …

8. Not having been sent in time the fax …

9. Having been told the truth she …

10. Not having caught my idea my colleague …

Дата добавления: 2015-08-30; просмотров: 1078. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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