Topic: Introduction to the course Ecology & Sustainable Development
Фредерик С.Перлз. Предисловие Предисловие автора Часть первая Манипуляторами не рождаются Глава 1. Проблема Глава 2. Манипулятор Глава 3. Причины манипуляции Глава 4. Манипулятивные системы Глава 5. Актуализатор Часть вторая Анализаторами становятся Глава 1. Контакт? Есть контакт Глава 2. Плачьте, это полезно Глава 3. Подделки Глава 4. Между мною и тобою ниточка завяжется Глава 5. Здесь и теперь Глава 6. Сам себе начальник Глава 7. Свобода? Свобода Глава 8. А не смириться ли нам Глава 9. “Кто есть я?” Часть третья Примеры манипуляции и актуализации Глава 1. Родители и дети Глава 2. Дисциплина — мать порядка Глава 3. Родителей не выбирают Глава 4. Подростки Глава 5. Влюбленные Глава 6. Учителя и ученики Глава 7. Учитель и подросток Глава 8. Мужья и жены Глава 9. Эмоции супружеской жизни Глава 10. Его величество конфликт Глава 11. Бизнес и личность — вещи несовместимые
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1. Subject and primary tasks of ecology Ecology - the interrelationships among organisms and between organisms, as well as how organisms interact with their environment. This means that ecologists might study the behavior of a single species to see how it interacts with other organisms and the environment. Or, an ecologist might study many different species that either depend on each other (a foodweb, for example), or compete with each other for food and space. Ecologists can be people who are mainly out in the field doing surveys and research, or in front of a computer modeling complex interactions between populations, for example. From Greek: " oicos " means "home" and " logos " means "study". This term was introduced by E. Heckel in 1868. Ecology was developed as separated biological science in 1920s and as integrated science in 1950s. ! For comparison: Economics: “oicos” means “home” and “nomos” means “managing” (“Managing the house”).
Bernard Show about Ecology: The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists intrying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. Some ecologists focus on theory, such as developing models that predict how a population of a species will fluctuate, or how likely it is to go extinct. Theoretical ecology is generally heavy on math, computers, and a real understanding of the interactions that cause the things we can observe in the outside world. Other ecologists are field ecologists. They collect data from the field, maybe through plant surveys, or bird counts, or measuring pollutant levels in a water body and relating it to algae levels. They are generally outside more, and rely on the work of theoretical ecologists to help them explain the observations they make. Applied ecology includes fields such as conservation biology, in which Environment - anything outside the individual organism in which the organism lives and which affect or could affect that organism, other organisms or life in general. Environment - is the set of conditions experienced by an organism or a group of organisms. Environmental science seeks to understand the nature of the environment and its impact on organisms. Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs Sustainable development: progress in human well-being that we can extend or prolong over many generations, rather than just a few years. Sustainable development is defined as actions that satisfy the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The benefits of sustainable development must be available to all humans, not just to the members of a privileged group.
IPAT model (Paul Ehrlich 1970s): I = P × A × T, where I – Environmental Impact P – Population (Number of people) A – Affluence (Consumption of resources per capita) T – Technology (Environmental degradation and pollution) Sustainability = Environmental Issues + Economic Issues + Social Issues
Primary tasks of ecology: - to study how organisms act together. - to study how organisms are adapted to their environment. - to develop the rational ways in which people use natural resources. - to find ways in which people can protect natural resources. History - establishment of Earth Day - April 22, 1970 - creation of EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) - 1970. - Clean Air Act - 1970, 1977, 1990. - Clean Water Act - 1972, 1977. - Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, 1987: phasing out the production of CFCs - Kyoto protocol -1997, industrialized countries (except USA): to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. - International Earth Summits (1992 - Rio-de-Janeiro, 2002 – Johannesburg, 2009 – Copenhagen).