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1. fine [countable] − money that you have to pay as a punishment штраф: He got a $75 fine for speeding.

to pay a fine / to pay £100/$50 etc in fines: She was ordered to pay £150 in parking fines, plus court costs.

to impose a fine on smb – to make smb pay a fine налагать штраф на кого- либо:Councils will get sweeping powers to impose fines on drivers who park illegally.

a heavy / hefty fine = a large fine: Jones can expect a hefty fine and possibly a ban. / Those violating the law could face heavy fines.

to fine smb (for doing smth): One player was fined for fighting during the game.

to fine somebody £200/$500 etc: The club was fined £50,000 for financial irregularities. / She was fined $300 for reckless driving.

2. disqualification (from driving) − stopping someone from taking part in an activity because they have broken a rule лишение (водительских прав)

to be disqualified from driving: He was disqualified from driving for speeding and drink-driving.

3. confiscation [countable and uncountable] − officially taking private property away from someone, usually as a punishment конфискация (имущества)

to confiscate smth: Many opposition supporters had their goods confiscated. / Your vehicle can be confiscated if you are transporting marijuana.

4. imprisonment [uncountable] / incarceration [uncountable] formal − the state of being in prison, or the time someone spends there тюремное заключение: They were sentenced to 6 years' imprisonment / incarceration.

life imprisonment: Corelli could face life imprisonment.

to be sentenced to (life imprisonment) − if a judge sentences someone who is guilty of a crime, they give them a punishment приговорить: Calley, who had been sentenced to life imprisonment, was eventually paroled after having served only three years.

to get / to be given a prison sentence: He got a prison sentence for murder.

to imprison smb / to incarcerate smb (formal)

prison term [countable] – a period of time a convict has to spend in prison сроктюремного заключения: The men each received a 30-year prison term.

to serve time – to spend a particular period of time in prison сидеть в тюрьме: Did you know that Les is serving time?

wrongful imprisonment / arrest / conviction / dismissal etc a wrongful imprisonment etc is unfair or illegal because the person affected by it has done nothing wrong неправомерное (противозаконное) тюремное заключение / арест / осуждение / увольнение: She’s threatening to sue her employers for wrongful dismissal.

prisoner [countable] / inmate [countable] − someone who is kept in a prison as a legal punishment for a crime or while they are waiting for their trial заключённый: But the typist turns out to be a prisoner serving a sentence for rape.

5. custodial sentence [countable] − a period of time that someone has to spend in prison as a punishment наказание в виде лишения свободы, приговор о содержании под стражей: The father of her children is presently serving a two-year custodial sentence for burglary. / Judge Gerald Butler told him he had no option but to pass a custodial sentence.

non-custodial sentence −;a punishment given by a court of law that does not involve a prison term, such as a fine or a restriction order приговор, не связанный с лишением свободы: It was a case of drink-driving and since no one was injured, the sentence was noncustodial.

6. solitary confinement [uncountable] − a punishment in which a prisoner is kept alone and is not allowed to see anyone else одиночное заключение: He spent more than half his time in prison in solitary confinement. / I read once that nobody can stand more than ten years in prison, or more than one year of solitary confinement.

7. suspended sentence [countable] − a punishment given by a court in which a criminal is told they will be sent to prison if they do anything else illegal within the time mentioned условное осуждение, условное наказание: He received a five-year suspended sentence.

8. (corrective) labour camp [countable] – a penal institution for political prisoners who are used as forced labour исправительно-трудовой лагерь: Inmates of labour camps are forced to engage in penal labour.

9. capital punishment [uncountable] / the death penalty [singular] − punishment which involves killing someone who has committed a crime смертная казнь: On the question whether on merits it would be desirable to abolish capital punishment Ministers were divided. / The Cabinet then discussed the question of the abolition of capital punishment. / Three Britons are facing the death penalty for spying.

to abolish capital punishment – to officially end capital punishment отменить смертную казнь

Дата добавления: 2015-08-27; просмотров: 540. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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