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Law enforcement and investigation


1. police (1) [ plural ] the people who work for an official organisation whose job is to catch criminals and make sure that people obey the law полицейские: Several police were injured during the rioting. | Police arrested a man whom they identified as the murderer. | Armed police stormed the building.

the police (2) [ plural ] = (AmE) the police department the official organisation whose job is to enforce laws, investigate crimes, and make arrests полиция: In case of emergency, call the police. | Did you report the robbery to the police? | They were arrested for interfering with a police investigation.

a police officer, a policeman, a policewoman, the chief of police / the chief of the police department, a/the police force, a police station, a police dog, a police car, to alert the police

police constable / PC [ countable ] (BrE formal) a police officer of the lowest rank полицейский / констебль: As a kind of protest against his parents' values, he had joined the police as a constable.

riot police [ plural ] police whose job is to stop riots полиция противодействия уличным беспорядкам: Riot police fired tear gas into the crowd.

the military police [ plural ] a special police force whose job is to deal with members of the army etc who break the rules военная полиция: The charge was supported by the evidence collected by the Royal Military Police inquiries.

the secret police [ plural ] a police organization that is run by a government and that operates in a secret way to control the actions of people who oppose the government тайная полиция: Soon the hated secret police were being hunted down and shot in the streets.

police state [ countable ] a country where the government strictly controls people's freedom to meet, write, or speak about politics, travel etc with the help of a police force полицейское государство: The discipline of a police state was what he had grown up with.

2. to police [ transitive ] to keep control over a particular area in order to make sure that laws are obeyed and that people and property are protected, using a police or military force охранять порядок: The officers police the streets for reckless drivers.

3. to enforce (a law) [ transitive ] to make people obey a rule or law принудить к соблюдению (закона): Governments make laws and the police enforce them. | Parking restrictions will be strictly enforced.

4. law enforcement [ uncountable ] the job of making sure that the law is obeyed охрана правопорядка / правоохранительные органы: She works in law enforcement. = She works for the police.

law enforcer [ countable ] a police officer

law enforcement agent [ countable ] (AmE) a police officer

law enforcement agencies [ countable ] правоохранительные органы

5. sheriff [ countable ] an elected official who is in charge of enforcing the law in a county or town of the USA шериф: Hill contends crime fell during his time as sheriff.

6. to investigate [ transitive and intransitive ] to try to find out the truth about or the cause of something such as a crime, accident, or scientific problem расследовать: The police are still investigating the murder.

investigation (into/of sth) [ countable and uncountable ]: A private detective was hired to conduct a full-scale investigation into the crash. | The accident is under investigation.

Criminal Investigation Department (CID) уголовный розыск

investigator [ countable ] someone who investigates things, especially crimes следователь: Investigators revealed their findings.

7. inquiry / (BrE) enquiry (into sth) [ countable ] an official effort to collect and examine information about something, investigation расследование: The police are conducting an inquiry into (the circumstances of) his death.

to help the police with their inquiries (BrE) to answer questions about a crime

8. case [ countable ] a situation investigated by the police in order to find out if a crime has been committed and who committed it, often to be later dealt with by a law court дело: Her disappearance is a case for the police to investigate. | Around 50 police officers are on the case.

civil case [ countable ] a case relating to the laws about the private affairs of citizens, such as laws about business or property, rather than laws about crime гражданское дело: Many civil cases are settled out of court.

criminal case [ countable ] a case relating to the part of the legal system that is concerned with crime уголовное дело: She usually handles serious criminal cases.

to initiate / file a case (against smb) Criminal cases are filed by the government and initiated by government agencies.

to fabricate a case to invent a story, piece of information in order to deceive someone The British police have fabricated a terrorist case against Rizwaan Sabir.

to decide a case to reach a final decision on a case решить дело: How does a jury decide a case?

to argue a case to give reasons for or against something, to say or write things in order to change someone's opinion about what is true, what should be done отстаивать точку зрения в суде: The evidence did not help the prosecution to argue the case.

to sum up a case to give the gist of a case подытожить результаты судебного разбирательства (следствия): The judge summed up the case for the jury.

to dismiss a case to stop the investigation and/or court proceedings закрыть дело: It is well established that the court will only exercise its power to dismiss a case at this stage in exceptional circumstances.

to commit a case to court to take a decision that enough evidence has been collected for a case to be handled in court передать дело в суд: His case was committed to crown court.

to try / hear a case to deal with the case in a court of law рассматривать дело в суде, вести процесс: What factors determine whether a case will be tried in a state court or a federal court?

9. detective (1) [ countable ] a police officer whose job is to discover information about crimes and catch criminals: She is a homicide detective on the police force. | Detective Sgt. Lee is working on the case.

detective (2) = private detective = private investigator [ countable ] a person whose job is to find information about something or someone and who is not a member of a police force: She hired a detective to follow her husband and find out if he was having an affair.

10. coroner [ countable ]a public official whose job is to find out the cause of death when people die in ways that are violent, sudden, etc коронер, следователь, производящий дознание в случаях насильственной или скоропостижной смерти: The coroner examined the body but found no evidence of foul play. | The coroner recorded a verdict of death by natural causes.

11. (forensic) medical examiner [ countable ] a usually appointed public officer with duties similar to those of a coroner but who is required to have specific medical training (as in pathology) and is qualified to conduct medical examinations and autopsies патологоанатом, судебно-медицинский эксперт

12. forensic [ adjective ] relating to the scientific methods used for finding out about a crime судебно-криминалистический: Forensic experts found traces of blood in the car. | When she'd first qualified in forensic medicine he'd been a young sergeant.

13. lawyer = (AmE) attorney [ countable ]someone whose job is to advise people about laws, write formal agreements, or represent people in court юрист, адвокат, правовед: His lawyer made a further complaint and urged that those responsible for the torture be brought to justice.

civil lawyer [ countable ] специалист по гражданскому праву, адвокат по гражданским делам

criminal lawyer [ countable ] специалист по уголовному праву, адвокат по уголовным делам

public attorney [ countable ] государственный адвокат

defence attorney [ countable ] адвокат защиты

prosecuting / district attorney (AmE) = public prosecutor (BrE) государственный обвинитель, прокурор

14. solicitor [ countable ] (BrE) a type of lawyer in Britain who gives legal advice, prepares the necessary documents when property is bought or sold, and defends people, especially in the lower courts of law поверенный, адвокат (подготавливающий дела для барристера и выступающий только в судах низшей инстанции)

15. barrister [ countable ] (BrE) a lawyer in Britain who can argue cases in the higher law courts барристер (в отличие от солиситора, имеет право выступать во всех судебных процессах, дает заключения по наиболее сложным юридическим вопросам).

16. the bar [ uncountable ] (BrE) the profession of a barrister, (AmE) the profession of a lawyer: She is a member of the bar [=she is a lawyer]. She has been called to the bar [=she has become a lawyer].

17. suspect [ countable ] someone who is thought to be guilty of a crime подозреваемый: Police have issued a description of the murder suspect. | She is a prime suspect in/for the kidnapping.

18. alibi [ countable ] something that proves that someone was not where a crime happened and therefore could not have done it алиби: Nobody could confirm his alibi that he was at the movies.

a perfect / cast-iron / ironclad / unshakeable alibi an alibi that cannot be proved false: He had an ironclad alibi and the police let him go.

19. the benefit of the doubt When people give you the benefit of the doubt, they treat you as someone who is honest or deserving trust even though they are not sure that you really are презумпция невиновности: He might be lying, but we have to give him the benefit of the doubt and accept what he says for now. | The trial was unfair from the beginning because there was no presumption of innocence.

Дата добавления: 2015-08-27; просмотров: 580. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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