Притяжательные местоимения.
Robert Burns was the greatest poet of the 18th century. He is famous all over Scotland. R. Burns was born in a picturesque village of Alloway. His father was a poor farmer, but it was from his father that Robert received his learning and his love for books. His mother had a beautiful voice and taught him old Scottish songs and ballads, which he later turned into his best poems. At the age of 13 Robert began to work on the farm together with his father. Robert was a handsome young man, but he often suffered from illness because of hard work and bad food. After his father's death the young poet had to support his large family. His farming was a failure and he thought of leaving for Jamaica, in 1786 a few friends of Robert helped him to publish his first volume of poems. His book was a success and Robert Burns went to Edinburgh. He came into contact with some literary circles. He traveled through Northern England and Scotland collecting bal-lads and folk tales. His countrymen loved their poet for his patriotism. Robert Burns died at the age of 37 at Dumfries, where he had served as a tax collector for the last six years of his life. Upon his death he was declared the national poet of Scotland and his birthday on January 25 is always celebrated as a national holiday. Robert Burns is one of the most popular song writers of English Literature. The whole world sings his songs "Auld Lang Syne", "A Red, Red Rose", "My Heart's in the Highlands". His lovely poems are translated into many languages.
Here are some facts about R. Burns. Only one of them is wrong. Which one? 1. R. Burns is famous all over Scotland. 2. He was born in a poor family. 3. He leant a lot of old Scottish songs and ballads from his mother. 4. R. Burns was a good farmer and could help his large family. 5. R. Burns traveled much and collected ballads and folk tales. 6. January 25, R. Burns' birthday, is a national holiday in Scotland. 7. His poems are translated into many languages.
GRAMMAR I. Местоимения. 1. Личные местоимения.
Упр.1.Выберите правильное местоимение. 1. Kate and (I, me) work together. 2. (We, us) spend our holidays with (they, them).3. My sister and (I, me) are good friends. 4. (She, her) writes to (he, him) every day. 5. (We, us) enjoy playing tennis. 6. Will you give (she, her) and (I, me) some help? 7. (It, he) is my dog. 8. (They, them) asked (he, him) about his parents.
Упр.2. Замените подчёркнутые слова личными местоимениями. 1. Sally and Games are at home. 2. The room is large and clean. 3. Peggy and I watched the film on TV. 4. Peter helped the pupils to translate the text. 5. Mother asked Mary to wash the plates. 6. My friend wrote a letter to his sister. 7. Jane took 3 books from the library. 8. His cousins live in Moscow. 9. Our grandmother and grandfather will come tomorrow. 10. Mary works in a shop.
Притяжательные местоимения.
Упр. 3. Измените предложения по образцу. Model: This is her book. - This book is hers.
1. This is my house. 2. These are their dogs. 3. This is his car. 4. These are her sons. 5. This is our office. 6. These are your rooms. 7. This is my garden. 8. These are her flowers. 9. This is his cup. 10. These are their children.
Упр. 4. Выберите правильные притяжательные местоимения. 1. Is this (your/yours) book? 2. It is (their/theirs) door, not (our/ours). 3. They are new students and I don’t know (their/theirs) names.4. (My/mine) flat is bigger than (her/hers), but (her/hers)is nicer. 5. It isn’t (my/mine) book. (My/mine) is new. 6. They took (our/ours) books and we took (their/theirs). 7. Are these pencils (her/hers)? 8. Is this (your/yours) house or (their/theirs)?
Упр.5. Употребите правильную форму личного или притяжательного местоимения. 1. (Моя) aunt Susan is (моей) mother’s sister. 2. Tell (им) about it. 3. (Наши) relatives are coming to see (нас) tomorrow. 4. Is this (твоя) dog? There is something wrong with (её) ear. 5. He gave (мне) (свою) photography, in which I couldn’t recognize (его). 6. We were surprised to see (их) on the platform, they also came to meet (нас). 7. The girls are here, (они) came early. 8. The Browns have moved to a new flat. (Они) gave (мне) (свой) new address, so I can visit (их). 9. I invite (тебя) to a party at (моём) place. (Я) hope (ты) will bring (своего) husband with (собой). 10. I am happy that (моя) cat found (своего) kitten.