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Text 14. Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin was born in Boston. He was a son of a candle-maker. His family was very poor. But he worked hard and became a printer, writer, philosopher, scientist and diplomat. He believed that only in a democratic country like America a poor boy could become a famous and powerful man.

In his autobiography he said that all men must work hard and be honest. Every morning he asked himself: "What good shall I do this day?" And every night he asked himself: "What good have I done today?"

Benjamin Franklin was always interested in scientific experiments. He invented the Franklin stove, which produced more heat with less fuel. In 1752 he performed an experiment with a kite and proved the theory that lightening is a form of electricity.

Benjamin Franklin also realized that he was American, not an Englishman, and helped to write the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution. In 1776 the U.S. declared independence. After it Franklin lived in France. He was the U.S. Ambassador10 in France during the American Revolution.


Say if these statements are true or false:

1. B. Franklin was born in the family of a candle-maker.

2. He worked hard and became a sailor.

3. B. Franklin invented the Franklin stove and performed experiments with a kite.

4. B. Franklin helped to write the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution.

5. B. Franklin spent many years in Spain.


Text 15. Eleanor Roosevelt

Eleanor Roosevelt was one of America's reforming leaders. She worked hard to improve housing, education, health and the status of minority groups. As the wife of the 32nd President of the United States Franklin D. Roosevelt, she was the country's most active first lady. She traveled all over the world, gave lectures and met the world leaders. She wrote many newspaper and magazine articles and made many radio and television appearances. She advised her husband, wrote many articles, gave lectures all over the world and worked with all levels of government to improve housing, education and health in the United States.

After her husband's death she became a delegate to the United Nations. There she helped to write the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. For years Eleanor Roosevelt was called the most admired woman in the world.


Answer the following questions:

I. Why is Eleanor Roosevelt famous? 2. What did she try to improve? 3. She was the country's active first lady, wasn't she? 4. Did she travel much? 5. What did she do during her trips? 6. What organization was she the delegate to? 7. What did she help to write? 8. How did people call Eleanor Roosevelt?

Text 16. Jack London

Jack London's life is the life of hard work. He began working at the age of eight. By the time he was twenty two he had lived more than most people do in fifty years. He had worked on ships and in factories, he had traveled across the ocean as a sailor, he had tramped16 from San Francisco to New York with an army of unemployed and back through Canada to Vancouver. He had studied the great masters of literature, had read the works of great scientists and philosophers.

In 1896 gold was discovered in Alaska; and together with thousand of other men London went to the new territory. He brought no gold back with him, but he brought wonderful stories which he wrote on his return. They are based on the life he lived and on what he saw and heard in the frozen North. The collections of stories "Children of the Frost", “The Son of the Wolf”, "The White Silence" show us man's struggle with Nature.

Jack London is not pessimistic in his stories. A man may lose his own life in the struggle with nature, but life goes on. In his great works "The Iron Heels" and ''Martin Eden" London treats the problems of the individual and society.


Answer the following questions:

1. At what age did Jack London begin to work? 2. Where did he work? 3. What did he study? 4. Why did he go to Alaska in 1896? 5. What books about the North did he write? 6. Were his books pessimistic? 7. What did he show in his great works? 8. Have you read any books by Jack London?


Дата добавления: 2015-08-27; просмотров: 644. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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