Johnny’s Song
Johnny’s playing football Johnny’s playing football He’s wearing all his school clothes and getting very dirty Johnny! Your mother’s coming! Johnny! Your mother’s coming! Mary’s eating chocolate Mary’s eating chocolate She’s eating lots of chocolate and now she isn’t hungry Mary! Your dinner’s ready! Mary! Your dinner’s ready! The kids are drawing pictures The kids are drawing pictures They aren’t doing the exercise they’re just drawing pictures Kids! The teacher’s looking! Kids! The teacher’s looking!
Grammar Homework - Johnny song read many times - Do you like song learn by heart - Translate 1) У нее есть шрам 2) Почему у нее шрам? 3) Как долго у нее шрам? 4) Она носит очки. 5) Зачем она носит очки? 6) У нее есть друг и он очень красивый. 7) Что ты сейчас делаешь? - Я делаю домашнюю работу. 8) Я рисую картинки сейчас, но скоро буду читать 9) Ты вечно что-то делаешь!!! 10) А ты вечно поешь! (А - but; что-то - something) Он скоро проснется! MJ Она читает сейчас. MJ
My friend’s story My friend’s name is Jennifer Lopez. She’s about 40. She’s a singer. She’s tall and slim. She has 2 big eyes, thick lips and a scar on her neck. Sometimes she wears funny jeans and glasses. But the problem is that she has many different exotic pets(crocodiles, hippos, dogs, cats) and she likes sleeping with them in one bed and having a bath with them in one bath. But she hates feeding them! That’s why her pets don’t like her. Same with me.