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Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски словами из рамки. Сформулируйте письменно основную идею текста.

Handwriting as a personal trademark


Handwriting is a very personal and individual trademark of personality. As no two people have exactly the same handwriting, _____1_____have for hundreds of years been regarded as legally binding on documents of all types. A person's handwriting is his own private trademark or __2____ which cannot be reproduced by any other individual.

This was firmly believed by no less a personality than Sir William Herschel who founded the system of identification through ____3______. He accepted that handwriting revealed character in the same way that fingerprints reveal identity.

Alfred Binet, the renowned _____4_______ who founded the modern method of I.Q. Testing for intelligence was a firm supporter of _____5_____ and confirmed that certain handwriting traits revealed actual ____6_______.

The French psychologist, Pierre Janet (1859-1947) referred to handwriting analysis as a "science of the future" and described handwriting itself as; "an act which leaves _____7_____. It is the film record of the writer's sensibilities."

The "printout" left by handwriting is a description of the individual's character in psychological code. The graphologist, by using scientifically validated graphological techniques in combination with psychological theory is able ____8_____ that code and to translate it into _____9______ of the writer's character.


Психологический практикум. На неразлинованном листе бумаги напишите предложенный ниже отрывок текста в несколько строчек. Ответьте на вопросы теста и определите, какими, по мнению графолога, чертами характера Вы обладаете. Выступите перед группой со своим анализом, что совпало, а что нет, по Вашему мнению, с результатами графологической экспертизы. (Инструкция, как оценить Ваши ответы приводится ниже).



  • On blank (unlined) paper please write the paragraph below as you normally would.
  • Use at least two lines.
  • Keep the paper in front of you so that you can answer the questions
'Well!' thought Alice to herself, 'after such a fall as this, I shall think nothing of tumbling down stairs! How brave they'll all think me at home! Why, I wouldn't say anything about it, even if I fell off the top of the house!' (Which was very likely true.) “Alice's adventures in wonderland” Lewis Carroll

1. How would you say your letters slope?

  • Backward
  • Straight up and down
  • Forward

2. Are the letters in your words

  • Fully connected, with clear breaks between the words?
  • Partially connected, depending on the letters?
  • Unconnected, like printing?

3. Between words, do you leave

  • Wide spaces?
  • Narrow spaces?
  • No spaces - words are connected, pen doesn't leave paper?

4. How close together are your lines of writing?

  • Very far apart
  • Apart far enough that the letters do not touch
  • Close enough that the descenders of the top and the ascenders of the bottom overwrite each other.
  • Note: Ascenders are letters like h and t. Descenders are letters like y and g.

5. What color ink did you choose?

(If you used another color, which of these three would you prefer?)

  • Blue-black
  • Red
  • Light Blue

6. How large was your capital I in the sample?

  • Larger than the other capital letters
  • Smaller than the other capital letters

7. What do your t bars look like? (The crossbars on your letter t)

  • They tend to be to the left of the stem of the t
  • They cross the t more or less in the middle
  • They tend to be to the right of the stem of the t

8. Does your writing slope

  • Upward on the page?
  • Downward on the page?

9. Which takes the most space vertically in a line of your writing?

  • The ascenders (letters like t and h)
  • The middle zone (letters like a, e, n)
  • The descenders (letters like y and g)

10. How much pressure does your writing show?

  • Fine and spidery?
  • Firm and even?
  • Heavy?



Дата добавления: 2015-08-27; просмотров: 660. Нарушение авторских прав; Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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