Участники дорожного движения и общие правила их поведения. Пешеход, безопасное поведение пешехода на улицах и дорогах.
One in three UK primary school leavers are obese or overweight Little progress made in drive to keep children's weight down, study suggests
Sarah Boseley, guardian.co.uk, Wednesday 12 December 2012
More than a third of children about to leave UK primary schools are obese or overweight and the numbers are rising, according to official figures from the school measurement programme. More than 1 million children were weighed and measured during the 2011/12 school year in the reception class and in year 6, the last year before they move to secondary school. Over a fifth (22.6%) of the youngest children, just starting primary school, are either overweight or obese, the data from the National Obesity Observatory shows. But by the time they have reached the last year of primary school that figure has risen to one in three (33.9%). The new figures suggest there has been little progress in the drive to keep children's weight down in spite of major concerns. There has been a small increase in year 6 from last year, when 33.4% of pupils were obese or overweight. The proportion in reception class is unchanged. The leader of the UK's specialist children's doctors said parents needed more help ensuring their children ate healthily and took enough exercise, such as by a crackdown on the advertisement of foods high in fat, salt or sugar before the 9pm television watershed. "We know that the environment in which our children grow up is conducive to eating too much of the wrong sorts of food and a sedentary lifestyle. So in order to get children on the right track early on, we need to be looking not only at the parents' role in encouraging active lifestyles and providing healthy food for their children, but also how society can support them in doing so. That includes looking at factors such as how cooking is taught in schools, ensuring school meals are nutritious, that healthy food is affordable to everyone and that children's exposure to junk food advertising is limited," said Dr Hilary Cass, the president of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health. The government said it was already taking action to encourage families to eat a healthy diet, referring to its much-criticised agreements with supermarkets and the food industry on what is put on sale as well as its Change4Life social marketing campaign. "Through the responsibility deal, major supermarkets and retailers are working together to cut calories," said public health minister Anna Soubry. "But we need to maintain and build on this. Soon we will see more fruit and veg added to ready meals, and supermarket fruit and veg sections will be expanded. "As part of Change4Life, we have run a number of initiatives to get children up and active, and in the new year we will be launching a new campaign to encourage healthy eating." The figures show more boys are overweight or obese than girls and there is a marked social and economic divide. Obesity was most prevalent in the most deprived areas. Obesity was higher in urban areas than in rural areas for both age groups.
A growing epidemic: · Obesity is rising throughout the world and affects at least 300 million people. · In the US the percentage of young overweight people has more than tripled since 1980. Some 16% of children and teens are considered overweight with childhood obesity growing at the rate of 20% a year. Some 30% of adults, more than 60 million people, are obese - one in three women and more than one in four men · In the UK, two-thirds of adults are overweight. Of these, 22% of men and 23% of women are obese (at least 13kg-19kg overweight), putting their health at risk. The level of obesity has tripled in the past 20 years · Obesity is rising among British children. In the past 10 years it has doubled in six-year-olds (to 8.5%) and trebled among 15-year-olds (to 15%) · Obesity is responsible for $100bn (£55bn) in medical costs and 300,000 deaths annually, according to the American Obesity Association · Throughout the 1990s, the average weight of Americans increased by 4.5kg (10lb). The extra weight meant airlines burnt 350m more gallons of fuel in 2000, costing an extra £157m. · In 2004 24 states took steps toward phasing out soda and junk food in schools, following 20 states that already had such bans · Americans eat 200 calories more food energy per day than they did 10 years ago. On any given day, 30% of American children aged four to 19 eat fast food. Overall, 7% of the US population visits McDonald's each day, and 20%-25% eat in some kind of fast-food restaurant
Please consider these questions:
1. What is ‘fast food’? 2. Is fast food really bad for health, or is there a general ‘lifestyle’ problem? Who’s or what’s to blame? 3. Is a fast food culture really a problem in Russia? 4. Why is fast food popular? Участники дорожного движения и общие правила их поведения. Пешеход, безопасное поведение пешехода на улицах и дорогах. 1. Участники дорожного движения — это водители и пассажиры транспортных средств и пешеходы. Они обязаны выполнять требования Правил дорожного движения, сигналов светофоров, знаков, разметки, распоряжения регулировщиков и не должны причинять вреда и создавать опасность для движения. Участникам дорожного движения запрещается загрязнять и повреждать дороги, приводить в негодность и самовольно устанавливать (снимать) дорожные знаки, светофоры, другие технические средства, загораживать дороги и оставлять на них предметы, мешающие движению. Пешеходом называется лицо, находящееся вне транспортного средства на дороге и не производящее на ней работу. К пешеходам относятся люди, передвигающиеся в инвалидной коляске без двигателя, ведущие велосипед, мопед, мотоцикл, везущие санки, тележку, коляску. Движение пешеходов осуществляется по тротуарам и пешеходным дорожкам, а где их нет по обочинам или велосипедным дорожкам. Двигаться можно как по направлению движения транспортных средств, так и в противоположном правлении. Вне населенных пунктов при отсутствии пешеходной и велосипедной дорожек, обочин пешеходам разрешается идти по краю проезжей части навстречу транспортному потоку. Группы людей должны передвигаться по правой стороне проезжей части колоннами не более четырех человек в ряд. Впереди и позади колонны с левой стороны должны следовать сопровождающие: днем — с красными флажками, а в темное время суток или при ограниченной видимости — с зажженными фонарями (впереди — с белым, а позади — с красным), Группы детей должны двигаться в сопровождении взрослых и только по тротуарам и пешеходным дорожкам, а при их отсутствии — по обочине,: но только в светлое время.